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Does She Want More, Or Just Being Friendly?


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Lots of women are very friendly and outgoing with many guys they meet, and lots of those guys misinterpret interest in something more. My question is, what do friendly, outgoing women do differently with guys they are interested in? What are their actions above and beyond being nice?

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Hi Texas2004


From a female perspective.

I have fancied "friends" before - But being a bit shy, I didn't have the nerve to come straight out and say it...so here is a little of what I did:


I would make excuses to spend time with him

I would making excuses to meet up that would seem trivial but were "well thought out!"

It is also important to look at her body language around you

- Does she lean into you when she is talking?

- Are her legs crossed towards you?

- Does she "play" with her hair when talking to you?

- Why not hold her stare and see if she keeps it or if she pulls away?


Also, do you ever bring up "dating" in conversations? Like throw out a question...."been on many dates recently?" I used to always take "offence" when "the friend" I liked would do this. I'm sure he knew from my reaction. He also might mention "a girl" he liked and I would get all annoyed and stand offish and I'm sure my body language moved in the opposite direction then.


But then, if you really like her, why not just go for it! I just wish guys would be more straight forward, instead of "trying" to appear "cool" and "friendly". I think a man who has the courage and conviction to look you in the eye and say "you are a really cool girl and I'd love to take you out sometime", I'd be falling into their arms, almost instantly.


G Fish

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Yeah I think that a way to differentiate between genuine interest and normal friendliness is that a girl who is interested will put a lot of effort into spending time with you.


She may not ask you out directly on a date (if only!), but she will invite you to things, she will always come to things that you are organising, etc... They will answer your texts/calls/emails etc.


Basically, if a girl is interested, she will make it easy for you to show some interest.

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