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Heavy Heart:


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An eternal fauna of pain gnaws at me.

Seeking another, it never ends.

I stand next to the empty emotionless playground,

the place we iused to find ourselves enveloped with.


I wish I had never known this pain.

The pain that forces me to write this sorrowful poem.

Fate would seem at odds with my soul.

What have I done to deserve this endless torment?


Staring coldly at me is that demonic aura.

The aura which surrounds that pain.

It wishes to tear me apart.

I only wish it could.


Instead I find myself in dark room.

The walls closing, I only see blackness.

I feel myself slowly slipping away,

who will catch me?


If only I could reverse time,

bring myself back to that moment.

Only time can save me now,

but, how much time do I have?


Heavy heart of mine,

hang in there.

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