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Help! Arg I'm in a deadlock!


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Hey hey, alright, I have one or two dilemmas here! haha okay...


First of all, I like this girl (who i posted about before) and she might know that I like her, because she is acting a little bit different than before. (not as open to me as before) It hasn't gotten to bad, but what should I do? Tell her, or just keep talking to her like always!


Second of all, which complicates the first matter, she has just started dating someone who is a druggy. I don't think she knows he does drugs either. I know that he will just end up hurting her in the end, because all he wants is to get through all the bases with a girl, and if she refuses he'll dump her... I don't know how to tell her about this, because if she know I like her, she'll just think I am trying to break them up so I could date her, and won't listen to me...


What should I do!? I really don't want her to get hurt!


Thanks for all the help everyone!

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Well, I would tackle the druggie problem first. Let her know AS A FRIEND that you have it on good authority that this guy is bad news, and that he has a rep as someone to stay clear of, assuming you DO have something concrete to back it up with, and that, even though you don't know her well, you still want to look out for her best interests because she seems like a cool girl. If she gets angry, or defensive (which she might, if she's really attracted to this guy) then shrug it off and let it go as having given it your best effort.


If, on the other hand, she's pleased at the fact that you're looking out for her, give it a couple of days and see how she does. If it seems like she's not hanging around with him, I'd casually ask her how she's doing, if she's alright, etc. If the conversation seems friendly, ask her if she'd like to grab a cup of coffee or even just go for a walk, something non-threatening. From there, you should be able to figure it out. Good luck, let us know how it goes!

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