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Ecstasy coming back to haunt me?

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I really wasnt sure where to post this topic so i fitted it in as best i could so apologies.

i was wondering if anybody in the forum knew what the long term effects of taking Ecstasy (MDMA,pills etc) are?

i mean about a year maybe two years ago i split up with a boyfriend, and stuipidly i wanted to forget it ever happened so i went out and took 1 ecstasy pill and was completely wasted.im not going to lie coz i think that you need all the info i can provide to give me some insight.-i have taken ecstasy many times since then and amphetamines,but decided to stop it in march this year.-realising how stupid i had been! but my question is,could the mental affects of ecstasy still be replaying to this day? sometimes i get sort of mini flashbacks that i am tripping again(high)and ive even had dreams about taking ecstasy.

someone told me that it can take a long time for the drug to completely leave your body,especially the amphetamines. if anybody has an insight on this i would really like to know. im not planning to take ecstasy again,and i think maybe a lot of you will think i was dumb for doing it in the first place,but i know this,i was just going through a terrible time and it seemed the only way out.- i didnt care if i was still alive the next day or not.

i dont know if anybody will know much about this,but if someone can shed any light at all id be grateful thankyou

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I am not an expert on this... I can only speak from what I have known from friends, read, heard and so on... I think few people could really give you a completely truthful answer except for a psychiatrist who would know about what that may have done to your brain or not. From what I know most drugs will metabolize in your system within a certain period time and then simply wear off. I mean no more than a day or two from taking the drug at most. The problem with street drugs is that who knows what you are really are taking! It could be part LSD and part clorox for all you know. All the same, chances are that your mind is simply have rememberances of when you took that. The drug is no longer actually in your system, but your mind remembers the experience of being high. Our minds have a way of replaying pleasurable experiences. You're trying to quit drugs now, so your mind is playing the experience to remember it as well. Obviously, the trip/high was pleasurable and so the mind has a way of replaying that in your dreams and so on, it wonders what happened to that high. These are things people experience when they get off drugs. You may have these experiences for a while, but they will dissipate in time. That is just my practical knowledge, but if you have big concerns then you will have to talk to a doctor. My suggestion is don't self medicate with things like that when you feel bad. All drugs are dangerous when they are overdosed, even alcohol can kill a person at a certain point. There are people out there who have fried their brains from coke, and other things as well. But I have a feeling that with you, it is part of the struggle of breaking this past addiction, where the mind remembers, but understands it not...

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Recently in the UK there has been a study investigating the long term effects of MDMA (ecstasy, liquid gold etc) and their findings have clashed with previous studies that showed MDMA to have neurological side effects long term.


The most recent study basically advised that using this drug on an intermittment basis did not show any significant increase in neurological effects and even showed may halt the symptoms of Parkinsons.


However, the study also advises that regular long term use of MDMA can produce abnormal pschological problem but when they mean regular use, they mean 5-10 tablets a session, 2-3 times per week.


I would suggest that if you really are concerned, go to your Doctor and get yourself checked out. I have included a couple of medical sites which you may find useful and I wish you luck. We all need something at different stages of our lives to get us through, with some its chocolate, with others its alcohol and with others its drugs. If you choose drugs, take them in moderation and get yourself to a local clinic who can supervise you medically as you take them. We have them here in the UK where people who wish to take drugs can do so, but get a full blood check and physical every month in order that medically we can check that they are ok, this is a confidential service and I am sure that where you are they have one too.


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Hi Buffalo Soldier,


I did just over a year of regular use, and I haven't noticed any problems with myself. The flashbacks I get are usually of great mamories - as I didn't ever have a bad night on ecstasy. In saying that, due to the uncontroled nature of the drug, there are often trace elements of other drugs in ecstasy - often Heroine, and Ketamine. These can have a different effect in terms of the tripping part of ecstasy. The only problems I've had with flashbacks are from LSD, which is the devil if you ask me! Certain people are able to handle that loss of control, but not me !


Unfortunately, ecstasy is such a new drug (though it was used as a slimming pill by the USA in the Vietnam War), we are not too sure of the actual risks of taking it - thus the numerous conflicting statements. Get yourself a doctor with an open mind who can be honest with you about your situation. I wouldnt be too worried about it, but if it is starting to make you unhappy, perhaps you should atleast glance down the professional help aisle and see whats on offer !


Hope this helps you some,

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  • 2 weeks later...

forget the hype about mdma being safe. it triggered massive depression in myself. it also caused anxiety as well. MDMA messes about with your serotonin levels. it can also trigger psychosis. If you have heard the phrase "Chemical casuality"...


sorry to be negative! all will be sound.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

ecstasy was invented in 1918! It was used until abouut 1935 for weight loss but pulled due to depression. After the drug leaves your system the long term effects are from repeated thought errors that reinforce themselves with each repeat. This is where the paranoia, psychosis etc. stem from. These are difficult to treat. Antipsychotics with cognitive therapy usually necessary....and this gets you remission not cure...drink some coffee and forget a dose of antipsychotic and you are off to the races once again.

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  • 8 months later...

Hey I came on here a couple of months ago cause I split up with my ex but I've just came on here and wanted to see if anyone as experienced the same as me and if there's anything I can do to change this.


I used every drug out between the ages of 15 and 20 (ecstasy, speed, cocaine, acid, hash, jellies etc) but when I reached about 18 ecstasy was somethig I did every weekend, often for 2 days non stop. Ended up getting really bad come downs, but the final straw was when I went for a weekend away with y friends, was up for 3 days doing all sorts. I ended up flipping out and becoming very paranoid and panicky and depressed. This initial psychotic state lasted for about a day and a half, however it stayed with me for a couple months and I was very confused about life, analysed people, looked for the negative in people. I think this was mainly due to living with a friend who was very messed up and had bouts of depression, inluenced me a lot because I wasn't a negative person until I spent too much time with her.


Anyway, I know this confusion is a very normal reaction to extended use of ecstasy and can last for a lot longer. I'm absolutely fine now, very positive and confident, made me a stronger person but the only thing is that when I drink alcohol the next day I feel very unlike myself, paranoid, unhappy and foggy. I really hate this as I am fine all the time until I have a drink, I think it may be that I've damaged my serotonin levels and opened a crack that can never fully be repaired. I love going out for drinks and clubbing with my friends but it really holds me bak as I'm not back to myself for 2 days and it means I cant go away for weekends or boozy holidays etc.


I know people will say just don't drink, you cant but I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to combat this or something?!

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Nikki, I think you should talk to a doctor. Keep in mind, alcohol isn't good for anyone. The use of extacy might have affected your hormonal balances in the mind. It sounds like you do fine now, but I'd still recommend to stay away from the alcohol. Why drink it if it makes you feel so lousy? Why not enjoy a club with a diet coke? I don't drink at all (ok, I also don't go out that much, but I do go to pubs and stuff), it really makes things a lot less complicated!



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Thanks Ilse. Yes I think this is the only option, I don't think I would enjoy clubbing without a drink but I could go to pubs! Just really annoying because I enjoy drinking a lot and used to be able to go out nights in a row and feel fine! But I suppose I just can't do it again and will have to become a tee totaller!! Aagh! Thanks again. xxx

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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

i have taken and occasonally still do take ecstasy, speed, cocaine, lsd, pure mdma, ice, mushrooms, iv also smoked weed, and the sex is amazing with all of them id say, i havent tried sex on the mushrooms or lsd, i think that might freak me out a lil, and eitha one of us could get hurt lol


but with saying that i dont recommend anyone taking any of those drugs

iv lost friends

iv lost family

iv lost jobs

and iv spent about $80,000 in the past 2 years on drugs

which is a fair bit of money for a 18 year old



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