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Want to ask girl out


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Ok...you probably hear so many people asking the same question but I am just afraid that I'll be rejected. Homecoming is next month and I want to ask a girl out to the dance. I talk to her every once in a while and she is always nice to me. I don't know if she is interested in me or not. I am 16 and have always been afraid to ask girls out. What would be the best way to ask her out without embarrassing myself? Replies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I will give you a few tips:

Right now have your sights on more than just one girl. Of course this does not mean that you will be dating alot of women, but at this point there is no big commitment to anyone so, look at all of your options. You may ask her out and she may turn you down, or she may say great lets do that! You don't know. Here is one thing I can tell you for a fact though, if you never ask her out, you will never know her response.... I am alot older than you and I can say that girls at your age sometimes just are not ready to really date, I don't know why. It seems like when the girls finally become women that they are ready to have a good time? I don't know. Ask her out if that one doesn't work out for you have a second one that you have in mind. Before asking her to the prom though, how about having a homework study session with her or a meetng at the library first. See, start small, don't just go for the BIG DATE. Be her friend and she will give back to you also...

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