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long distance relationship from summer lovin'

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A couple of months ago, I met this girl. We really hit it off and I became pretty close emotionally to her. I found out she broke up with her boyfriend very recently, but still loves him and loves another guy. She lives about 3000 miles away from me. But we really had a good time for the few weeks i knew her. What do I do, and how can I keep a strong, long distance relationship? I feel like I could be in love with her, but we both thought of eachother as just friends. What do I do?

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Hello Honkeytonk. No, long distance does not work. You can have it only if you have already had some kind of serious relationship in the past and you are looking to maintain it, and not forever. It isn't like a friend, it is a relationship where touch and feel is important, that 'in love' part. I tried this and we were cliging to a thread and actually we should have broke up. It was really hard. Go on the out of sight, out of mind thing. Do remain in touch, but don't use that Love word at all or you will be setting yourself up for a fall.

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