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Everything posted by honkeytonk311

  1. well, we see each other every day, we chat and we have 2 classes together
  2. I'm 17 and Ive never dated. I like this girl. I dont know how to ask a girl out. What do I do? Shes popular, and I'm not
  3. hey, ive had a lump on the right side of my neck for two years. Its located in the lower region. I would like to know if its something i need to worry about. There is virtually no pain. Its been a long while, and it hasnt grown in size. Sometimes, it gets smaller and then grows back to its normal size. What do I do? Should i be worried.
  4. I have posted a similar post before, I just want some different opinions. I met this girl over the summer, we hit it off. We live 3000 miles away from each other. How do I keep a strong relationship with her? I do plan in seeing her in about a month. How do I make that day I see her, special and rememorable?
  5. A couple of months ago, I met this girl. We really hit it off and I became pretty close emotionally to her. I found out she broke up with her boyfriend very recently, but still loves him and loves another guy. She lives about 3000 miles away from me. But we really had a good time for the few weeks i knew her. What do I do, and how can I keep a strong, long distance relationship? I feel like I could be in love with her, but we both thought of eachother as just friends. What do I do?
  6. I would wait a few days, maybe up to a week. Is there anyway you can see her somewhere, and try to talk to her and find out her real feelings on the matter? Its worth a shot. If thats too risky, wait a while, and try to think of a way that you can ask her if you can help her with her boyfriend issues, and then she might warm up to you. It's worth a shot. Good luck.
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