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What do you think about this???

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Sorry about this long post but please read it and give me your openion on my situation. You see guys there is this girl in my Math class. I knew this girl before. Last year and the year before that. I have knowned her for about 2 and a half years now. I like her a lot. She knows just about everything about me just like I know all about her. You see when at the end of this summer I decided to tell her how I felt about us. So I did, when I even begain yo bring up to subject she would tell me not to talk about this. Finally this one day I didn't care and just told her when we were hanging out in my room. She really didn't say anything, to tell you the truth she did not know how to respond to it.



Now we are back in school, like I said before she is in my math class. I sit in front of her and she sites in the back of me. I still like this girl. I dont know how to approach this. I mean should I tell her again how I feel or should I just wait and see how things go on. Latly I haven't been sure myself. All I know is when school started she began to flirt with me a lot. Each time she sees me in the hallway she smiles at me and says Hi, of course I say the Hi back. Another thing is she always plays with my hair in the math class. I dont mind it at all. I don't know what to think anymore. This whole thing is getting too confusing. If any of you guys want to know we do hang out on a weekend because weekdays I have work and so does she. I like this girl a lot and by the way do u think she may like me as more then a friend. If anybody wants to know I am a junior in High School I am 17 years old yes I got my driver license and soon I will be a proud owner of my first car. She in a senior in High School. She is younger then me. She is 16 years old. If any of you guys could just give me your openion on this it would be great. Tell me if she is intrested in my or not. Any advice would be greatly apprciated. Thanks in Advance Tom.

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Wow.. this is a hard one. Normally when males have close female friends, the females are not interested in an intimate relationship, especially when they 1)tell you not to bring up the subject and 2) have no repsonse or reaction when you tell them how you feel. Being how she is twirling her hair in class, that is a classic sign of interest - proven fact, but we need to know how she says high in the hall, and has she done it before? you hang out on weekends, and you told her how you feel.. Well normal girls would be scared off and would not keep hanging out.. You know what.. Tell her, I'm interested in you, are you interedsted in me? If she says well. eh.. uh.. I don't know.. then you say fine.. lets try it.. see how you like it? if it's bad we call it quits and stay friends, and if it's good, then you can be happy because you didn't miss out on something great. Try that and see how it works alright?! - Jacob

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Dude, I feel that from what you are saying that she likes you ALOT! It is just my opinion... Play it cool that is my best advice. I think that she did not say much to you the previous summer because maybe you said TOO much to her at that time, or who knows??! She is waiting for you to make the next move, but it needs to be a move in which you both feel comfortable. Like a social outing with friends. She has a strong interest in you but she does not know how to let it play it out... Do some homework together and study, then ask her out to the movies. You're only a teenager once have a good time! She seems to be going out of her way to ALWAYS say hello, if she didn't want you around, you would know it. That is not the case with her. She is waiting for you to move on the situation, but she may play a little hard to get first...

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Well she either likes you alot or she's a close friend of yours and feels okay doing those things around you because she's knows you won't mind. But either, just tell her. It seems to me you have nothing to lose, and if she dose get mad or whatever, then she wasn't really a good friend. You can start by asking her if her actions mean anything, then if she says yes, then tell her how she feels. If she says no then shes either playing hard to get or dosent like you. In that chase, just stay friends and see if she keeps doing it. If she dose, then she likes you. Hope that helps.

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