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want to move on any suggestions specially girls


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I am studying in the uk and I am a pretty outgoing person caring and very sensitive to emotions mine and people I care about.


The thing is that I am looking for similar kind of people, so I always go meet people with a smile and looking to meet friends, I was going out earlier this year with my girl friend and then we broke of because of the distance, well now I am desperately trying to date other women but the break up has affected my self esteem pretty badly, its been about 6 months now , I mean I am not a bad looking guy or anything and I am studying law so I am pretty bright , but I am now very scared of rejection because I went through a severe depression , but I am also lonely and well a little scared …the thing is that I was very happy before the break up and now though I am alright I think I am ready to move on , so can you guys advise me as to how I can meet new people…


Do dating sites really work?


If I smile at a girl and she smiles back should I go upto her and say Hi even though we have never met before?


If a girl comes accross and remarks hey you are looking nice… does it mean she is interested would It be okay to ask her for her phone no?


How would you approach a girl you found attractive to start a conversation.?


Sorry about all the questions ..its that I want to be prepared before I go to battle lol..


Any advice would be appreciated thanks

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Hi Jack-


I dont think should actively prowl but just build your self esteem up first through small challenges everyday ie, joining a group something at university or outside of university such as dancing. In london the opportunities are limitless. London can be a very isolating city so dont feel that you are alone but do make an effort with yourself and build your self esteem up first before, approaching a woman. Try to be her friend then slowly progress , without threatening her space...if she likes you she'll actively flirt with you and make it quite clear that she wants more! Its a two way thing so dont feel you're going to have to do all the leg work. Be patient and just be happy within yourself and where you're going. Women love a self confident, self assured man...


Women are an easy nut to crack, just be yourself, be at ease, if she's not interested she's not the right woman for you. Pursue a few hobbies, challenge yourself and you'll slowly develop the confidence to approach who you want. Everyone but everyone suffers rejection at some point so dont take it too badly. It doesnt matter, just get back out there and dont think about it too much. Forget about the past girlfriend and make a fresh start and give yourself a break. Lifes really too short to procrasinate over something you can never change, the past.

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I'm such a shy person and yes breaking up with someone does damage your self esteem. But when your scared of approaching girls 90% of the time they're feeling the same!


Try it rejection makes you a stronger person anyway and i've spent more than enough time wondering what could of happened if i wasn't so shy!

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