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Am I in love?


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Is it possible that I have truly fallen in love with this girl?


For years I thought of this feeling toward her and nothing more than a strong crush – desire for her attractive physique and outshining beauty. It did, after all, start just before I turned 13. I had just started high school and within the first few moments of my first class, she sat down in the seat in front of me. My ill-knowledge of how to grain the self confidence that I needed to break the click barrier prevented me from winning her heart over.


I've thought about her a lot over the last years - between dreaming up plausible strategies to reignite chances and opportunities – to simply wondering just how great the end result could all be.


At a later point I will bring up the story of how some people think she has a romantic interest in me – but first, I really need the help on my feelings for her.

There have been times where I have stood up for her and times where I've directly given her advice that I could have warped to my own benefit, but simple couldn't. I feel like I truly care for her and know that if something were to happen to her I would be hurt. Even if something were to make her less physically attractive as societies standards would have it – I would still be attracted to her.


Did I somewhere go past just having a crush on here?

Is it healthy to have a crush on someone for so long?

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I had a friend once who had a major cush on this girl back around the 11 age. At first thats all he thought it was- a crush. But it lasted for a year and then the next and the next and here we are 20 odd years later and they're married with three kids (and earning more money than ...not that thats relevant )


We went through High School together without the two of them ever getting together even though as with you, there were hints she liked him back. Then when she was 18 and he was 19 they just started going out just like every1 expected- the bookies even had people betting on it... 3/1


They have a perfect relationship and I'm starting to drift off into another story


Anyhow it sounds like your feelings have developed into love however only you can know if you love her or not- would you do absolutly anything for her- die for her? (not recommended)


Tell her how you feel otherwise you'll never know. You haven't got her at the moment anyway so even if she knocks you back you won't have lost anything and if she says yes well hopefully you'll end up like my mate


Let us know how it goes

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