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The last goodbye

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So it feels right now,

Feeling that blade dash accross my skin.

Feeding the pain,

Creating new sin.


Forcing those fingers back down your throat,

For something you thought had ended a long time ago.

For the pain that you promised to move away from,

Promises never were true though.


And when the pain hurts so much,

You watch yourself bleed.

Wish that you'd die,

Your suicidal thoughts are all that you feed.


And the tears you wish to cry,

Just refuse to flow.

And you one again find youself acting,

One again putting up a show.


Then there is nothing left,

Except the fradgile threats.

No more tears,

So many bets.


One said she'd last just a day,

Another whispers an hour.

Well you hold her fate,

Will she last more then a day, more then an hour.


Will she break through,

Give everyone there wish,

Say her last sweet words,

Let them feel such bliss.


Maybe i do have the strength to cut too deep,

Too bleed to much,

And say my final goodbye.

She whispers and reaching for the knife she give the fatal touch.


And the note she left behind,

Tell you that she loves you,

She wishes she could stay,

But i just can't do what you want me to do.

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