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I think i might be nuts

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Hi, my name is Lucy and i have posted before. What i am going to tell you is about to make you think that i am crazy. i keep having these thoughts that i am not me. i keep thinking that i am in someone elses body. isn't that scary? i keep reading things about brain transplants and stuff, and i actually believe that i am in someone else's body even though i know i grew up with only memories of being me. i seriously think that i might be nuts. i am afraid of telling people about this because people might think i am crazy. well, i honestly think i am nuts. i cry all the time, it's like i am loosing myself. i usually don't think about stuff like that, but i've always had ocd since i was like 14(not diagnosed), like washing my hands alot, and doing things more than twice. my brain is playing tricks on me. i think maybe it also has to do with what happened throughout my life. please dont laugh at this.

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Hello PrincessLuXLu, well enadevoli noted I think this sounds like you need to talk to professional psychologist, counselor. Not because I think there is something wrong in what you say, but because I think they will understand best what you mean and what is behind all this.


We could help you to get in touch with professionals who will be able to assist you. If you want I could ask segagirl; one of our moderators who is also a professional for help. Also, we could ask Toni Coleman; one of our authors and professional in this area for help.


Pm me or email me at info@enotalone.com and let me know if you want me to put you in touch with pros.


Anyway, I am glad that you shared all this and that shows me that though worried you are not scared of it and that you have the carriage to face the difficulty, understand and fight it.

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Ms. Princess,


I have read and re-read and re-read some more, your topic and had to compose myself and make sure I wrote you a sincere answer. I couldnt respond to you yesterday because I didnt have my thoughts clear enough to gather you the correct information. I meditated on it and this is what I have come up with.


The first thing I would like to say is to Please take Kamurj's advice. Her being a moderator makes her suggestion one you know you can trust. It sounds to me like you are having a problem distinguishing between reality and imagination. And the more you concentrate on "I am crazy" or " Am I going crazy" Or " maybe Its me" and this whole thing, the more you will drive yourself to the very place you don't want to be. A lot of people let there minds control them, also I believe that certain people have the power to control there own minds. I dont' know if you have ever heard of this but I would also suggest reading some of the books by "Sid Arthur" better known as the "Buddha" or visit the site

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And remember that some people will use your weakness to make themselves feel better and you feel worse. They have no feelings and they are selfish and refuse to help anyone but themselves. Those peoples comments...I would ignore.


My father used to believe he was schizophrenic, and he was ashamed to admit it, and afraid to tell anyone. He stayed closed off from the world afraid to be himself...didnt know who his self really was...


Well one day someone offered my father this old black beat up book entitled "What the Buddha Taught" , every since then, he not only is just like anyone else, he is also who people come to for advice. This same so called "Crazy man" has people begging him for his words. THis is where most of my wisdom came from!


Christians have no fear this book can be read by even you, and it doesnt mean that you have to be a "buddhist" at all.


Princess, the reason I suggest this book is because in this book the "buhda" describes his trials and tribulations and how he was constantly being tested and made to think he was going crazy by a power that he eventully conquered. "Myra" is the force he had to deal with. Some of us call him "Lucifer" and other names. Be careful not to let this thing defeat you. Try to take control of you own mind and once you learn how to do that, even if you are in another persons body, you will be in control. Please read those books. "What The Buhda Tought" is a great book for you to get you hands on. This is the book I would start with, because it talks about tricks and things that a weak mind can do to even the strongest body. The mind is very powereful and if you don't know how to used it..you may lose it.


Who can say, you may have a power that you feel is a curse, and once you get control of this, it turns into a blessing. And I just wanted to tell you I am so proud of you for coming here to ask for help, I know this was extremly hard for you to do. Not to mention how long you probably have been holding this in driving yourself up the wall. But that's what this forum is here for..to help people.


P.S. I'm sure Bill Gates was told he was nuts, look at him now..he wipes his own butt with money! So now who has the last laugh.

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Well I just completely second what sweetypie said, completely.


Don't think you are alone, I have a friend, he's so special to me. He said a lot of the things you did. Sometimes he felt like he wasn't what he was meant to be, he told me he heard voices. He tried committing suicide, it was a terrible time, it was like watching somebody literally disappear in front of me. It is hard to explain, but he got through it, and so can you!! I promise.


He decided to seek profesional help and the changes I saw in him day to day were so positive.


You need to do this for you and only you. We get one shot at life, you can pull yourself up, with courage and determination.


I really feel for you, you can get through this.


If you ever want to talk then PM me.



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Well, I don't plan on beating a dead horse (euphemism). So I will say that I agree with everyone here. Sweetypie, well said, well said indeed. I just wanted to stress one thing that she mentioned to everyone else reading this post.


"Christians have no fear this book can be read by even you, and it doesn't mean that you have to be a 'Buddhist' at all." Buddhist philosophies are a way of life, not a religion. There is no talk of God or an all powerful being. Not because there isn't one, because Buddhism is about developing our spirituality not our religion.


You will find many similarities between what Buddha taught and what Christ said about forgiveness and compassion. Islam as well has many similarities to the Buddhist philosophies. I personally believe that every person should at least become aware of what I am talking about.


Please take this opportunity to expand your mind and quite your soul.

A simple site on Buddhism and mediation - link removed


A more in-depth look into all kinds of questions regarding Buddhism link removed

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Its about time someone can distinguish between the truth and an illusion...I have even heard one man call budhism an athism. I almost cried from laughter at his ignorance not to mention that my Father who is a Budhist decided not to even enlighten him at all. He said some people cant be taught. The Budha said this too. So let me ask..are you studying the teachings of the budha? If so I would suggest a book called "going nowhere being no one, I can not for the life of me remember the Arthors name, but the library should have it. I think her name is ' Anna Kemma" 8)

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