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Things are not what they used to be

Missing one inside of me

Deathly lost, this cant be real

Cannot stand this hell I feel

Emptiness is filling me

To the point of agony

Growing darkness taking dawn

I was me, but now hes gone


Emptiness slowly eats away my insides, tormenting my every moment of existence. I think to myself, if only, if only, I had friends to make the agony go away. Everyday is another battle to crawl from the dark, pulling my lifeless body out of bed only to realize how lost I am. Seeing laughter on others faces, wishing I could experience what it is. Every moment is a struggle between the parallels of life and death. I don’t understand life. I am a young girl, 22 years old, not ugly and yet I feel so empty. How is it I am failing at life?

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I love that song and have often used it as an anthem myself.


I hear ya dude.


Welcome to the forums by the way. Stick around. Virtual friends from ENA are the best lot any one could hope for. Seriously.


Just stick around, keep posting and I guarantee you'll make yourself a friend or two in no time.



Maybe a blow up doll comparatively, but its a great place to start.


Welcome aboard, friend!

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Hi Fade,


I'm sorry you're going through something so painful.


Losing a love is extremely traumatic and painful - The things your body, mind, heart goes through are something I would never wish on anyone.


Just keep posting away, talk it through - Releasing the way you feel is a good first step.


All I can really say is that it does get easier. It just takes time...Not something you want to hear as I'm sure you've heard it before.


Maybe find something you love to do, some sort of hobby that would put you interacting with others. I know that a martial arts studio is a great place to start. I noticed the one time I went that people are extremely eager to get to know you.


Social interaction is extremely important to our happiness and well-being. Any bit of it helps. So a hobby that forces you to be around others in a positive environment is my suggestion.


How long you been feeling like this? What's your story?

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Social interaction is extremely important to our happiness and well-being.


After 22 years, I am slowly beginning to realize I feel extremely alone. When I was young my family moved quite a bit. I went to 5 elementary schools, and never felt I could fit in. During recess I would sit alone by myself, scared and too shy to go talk with the other kids. One time, my teacher saw me sitting alone, asked another girl to play with me, I felt sick to my stomach at the look of agony on her face. At the end of elementary, I was able to make some friends, but as luck had it, my family moved again. My friends and I parted ways and I started out fresh again. During Jr.High it was great, until it was time for High school. Same thing happens again.


Now, I am in university and I feel so out of my place. I go to class, wonder aimlessly, work on assignments and go home. Everyday it's the same. I want to meet new people and have friends, how is this so utterly hard?


I know this is really lame, but I used to watch "Friends" and wished my life, was like theirs. They may not have had money, but having companionship is far greater.

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