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Getting a girls attention


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Inform the lady of the big secret that you find her cute, or if you feel more articulate, express appreciation for that attribute you find most charming, without being overbearing enough to make her uncomfortable.


Something like, "You really have a stunning smile."

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If she's like me...she would be totally naive and just say, "oh, thanks!" And not even realize that you wanted to get to know her better! (Depends on the girl). I really feel for guys in your situation! But if you never do anything, you'll never know how great it might have been. (And you could miss out on a great friendship!)


I would just say to get to know her as a friend. That way it doesn't feel so imtimidating at first. If the intention is just as a friendly gesture, no one gets too put off either way, right?


Plus, if you two aren't compatible in a romantic way, you could always have gained a friend. That way you can't lose. If she's umm...mean...then you don't want a friend like that anyway. I think this way it's win/win.

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BTW-if this is obvious, sorry! To get her attention, maybe you could just introduce yourself and ask questions about her. If you have a real interest in her, she'll notice and it can't hurt. You can start by something small you already know about her. (Ex: you know she likes a specific type of music...so do you...so you ask her if she's ever seen so and so in concert). Make sense?

Hope this helped!

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