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Took a test... anyone care to explain this?

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So I totally took a test... and this was the result... and I don't understand this stuff... it's about "datespeak" in relationships...


What You Believe

Hmmm...seems like you're not quite sure whether she's telling the truth. You probably want to take what she says at face value, but there's some nagging part of you that just won't let you completely believe her. You clearly don't spend your time doubting her every word. Pat yourself on the back for that one. But you do keep your defenses up just in case. There's no denying that you're a skeptic, but you try not to let it get the best of you. Especially in the beginning, it's smart to question whether her words always reflect her thoughts. To your credit, though, you know enough to put your mind to rest when she's proven her good intentions. Smart man. It sounds like you generally give her the benefit of the doubt. This probably works in your favor, because if she's the type who tip-toes around a topic, then taking her words at face value might force her to clarify for you. Your trust might compel her to communicate better. You've almost cracked the datespeak code!


What You Say

You get an "A" for effort! You try to obey the "honesty is the best policy" rule, but sometimes you can't help but twist your words a bit. As a general rule, you speak directly and say what you mean. Hats off for that much. Honesty is hard to find in the dating scene. There's a lot of tip-toeing around the heart of a subject. But you've managed to find a way to communicate your message clearly - most of the time. Good work. Whether this is natural for you or you've learned the hard way, you know that misleading a woman can result in a messy situation. You avoid the typical game-playing that so often accompanies dating. By speaking the truth, you demand - and most definitely receive - lots of respect from the women you date. You realize that speaking in code doesn't get you very far, so you refrain from using it as much as possible.


I know it's simple, but it shoots right over my head.

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