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okay, my friend introduced me to her friend and i like her and appereantly she likes me, my friend said the following about the girl i like:


-She thinks im cute

-she likes my hair (its natural redhair)

-she is to shy to call me because she likes me

- she thinks she will like me to much and that im to good for her

-she dont think she has a chance with me


alright and think of this, my brother went to give her a hug but she kept saying "I cant I cant" (my bro likes to touch people hes weird hes 17 im 15 and the girl is 14) I didn't know why she wouldnt hug him then my friend told me that the reason why she didnt hug him was because she liked me...That shows how loyal she would be right? I dunno my brother is fairly attractive..Help I don't know what I should do.. She is to shy to talkt to me other then on aim.. I told her to call me but she couldn't she was to scared...What should I do!? I want to go out with her.

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damnit boy your lettin' your chance slip away! For gods sake if she wont call you you call her!!! Talk to her on aim and make her feel appreciated. but just dont over-do it. But for crying out loud sounds like you have a perfect chance just take it slow and make her feel good about herself. but damnit talk to her!!! don't make me come over there!

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I would suggest the same as "virus". You'd better hurry and call her and ask her out. Speaking from a females perspective, when we like someone we want THEM to initiate everything. She probably likes you so much and she can't stand sitting at home not knowing if you feel the same way. You have to take a manly step and catch her as fast as you can before she looses interest. Have a lotta fun, and don't let her go once you get her.

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i agree w/ what the other people said. you really ought to talk to her. if she is giving you obvious signs that she wants YOU, then you should go for it. otherwise you will let the moment pass you by and you won't be able to get it back. if she's too scared of calling you or talking to you, then you ought to call her up and talk to her. ask her out!! it's a guarantee yes. Good luck!!

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