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pain feeling good

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ok, I don't cut myself on purpose or haven't ever done it really bad on purpose...well, anyway I cut myself accidentally the other day, and it didn't hurt it felt good actually. I mean the rush and seeing all the blood, it was numb and it felt good until the doctors pushed on it. But the pain afterward was even nice because it took my mind away from other things. Is this dangerous...why does pain feel good to me? I'm kinda confused...any opinions will work thanx

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well just a word of warning, DONT CUT YOURSELF ON PURPOSE!!! I know that you probly havnt yet, but if I had to guess why you feel good about it there are two probable reasons



1. your f***ed in the head {which I dont think is the case}


2. your body releases an unusual amount of endophamines when cut causing you to feel kinda happy drifty.


3.mayby you lead a really stressed out life and when you get cut you tend to dwell on it.


personaly I dont know but as I said DONT CUT YOURSELF ON PURPOSE!!! there are to many weirdows out there like that already dont let yourself become one of them. But I wouldnt worry to much about it.

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It's pretty clear that this is something beyond our (my, anyway) depth, and needs to be taken up with some sort of professional. We aren't the ones to answer that sort of question for you, and I for one would be afraid to make any sort of suggestion because I know nothing about the reasons behind it. But I would STRONGLY urge you to talk to your parents, a trusted adult, whomever, and seek counselling immediately.....these cuttings aren't natural, as you well know! But obviously, DON'T DO IT!!! That's the best I can tell you, but you truly need to seek help from someone more qualified.

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