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It's only three days since my bf left after his third time coming here to visit me. same as the others times we saw eachother this time was so wonderful and i think even more cause after 2 years and 2 months of relatuionship you get to know the other one and to tolerate those things you don't like.


we had a great time, even we both got sick last week it was sooo cute taking care of eachother was sweet. for me was hard to say goodbye at the airport, it's always hard but this time i felt it was a big pain. i told him everytime we say goodbye is getting harder to see you leaving so i couldn't help it crying despite he's coming again maybe june or july.


i don't how many times left i'll have go through the same, anyways it's nice to be expecting for something nice too. how is it for you when you have to say goodbye to your loved one?


hope to hear some answers

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I am also in a long-distance relationship and saying goodbye is always hard. My bf just left yesterday again. I shed a couple of tears when he leaves, but I don't really let myself have a full out cry. Then for a good week afterwards he is all my roommate and friends hear about. lol. It really doesn't get easier as time goes on...as we get closer it seems to get harder. I wasn't too bad yesterday though because only two more months of long-distance left!

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lucky girl you eh you says only few months and your relationship won't be a long distance one. that's great.


i'll have to wait some more than that, maybe 2 years from now. but it's ok cause there are many things that i want to achieve yet. till now it's hard to see that he's not here anymore. i was getting used to him. he woke me up in the mornings and we eat meals together at home or outside. to take the bus or a taxi with him. i think i just miss him a lot


this time is not so bad anyways, i dont have to wait long 8 months like last time, it'll be just less than 4 months. that really makes me happy

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