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never want to date again...

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I've given you my opinion and as I wrote above I do not believe a woman should chase a man or that a man should chase a woman. There is no "chase debate" with me because I don't believe anyone should be chasing anyone else - please feel free to debate with yourself or others but also, please don't put words in my mouth when I continue to explain that that is not my opinion in the least.


I also don't tihnk I'm "right" I'm just giving my opnion - all is stated above. I disagree with your statements about "personal attacks" - definitely not in my post - I asked your basis for your opinion and why you think you're right - it's fine if you choose not to answer - that is your private business.


I don't think there needs to be "information" out there on how men and women should interact in the dating context as you do -particularly not misinformation that characterizes my opinion as a "chase" - I simply gave my opinion and people can do with it what they wish, including nothing - I am not on some kind of mission.

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