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more on the NC but no period...

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just a quick question: is it possible to take the pregnancy test too early for it to detect that you're pregnant? like, if it turns out negative when i take it do i have to worry at all about having to take it again? or do i double up?? i know i can call my doctor about it all, but i really don't want to scare her before things are known....so i'm hoping someone here will know.

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First off - breathe! I know it's stressful (been there) but breathe. Even when you take the pill regularly, stress is certainly a factor in these situations. It's similar with women who desperately want to get pregnant, their periods can be late for a considerable time (lasted 45 days late for a girlfirend.)


Yes, you can take a test too early, but usually that is within the first 5 days after getting pregant. It sounds like it's been a bit longer than that for you.


There are lots of pregnancy tests out there, and of lot of them come in 2 packs just for those concerns.


Go buy a test and take it. You might find that after reading the result, your anxieties decrease. Then you will be able to evaluate everything a little bit better and decide the next course of action you'd like to take.

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If you've missed your period its not too early to take a test. Also - most of them have 2 tests in the box so if something goes wrong with the first one you just do it again a couple days later.


I know how hard this is and that you almost want to not know. But you sound like you're over-thinking this and procrastinating. If it makes you feel better, its very common for women to get their period late when they are under emotional stress or to experience irregularities. I know a woman who actually got her period back way after menopause during a really devastating and traumatizing death in the family. Its not at all unusual to be late with your period if you are breaking up.


But... basically... stop thinking about it and just do the test. If its negative you can go ahead and start the pill again tonight.

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i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry to keep posting. i just found out that he deleted EVERYTHING online that he had in contact with me. why cuz i talked to his sister and basically found out everything. do i not talk to her anymore? i LOVE his family they're one of 2 good things in my life...HELPPPP

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i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry to keep posting. i just found out that he deleted EVERYTHING online that he had in contact with me. why cuz i talked to his sister and basically found out everything. do i not talk to her anymore? i LOVE his family they're one of 2 good things in my life...HELPPPP


If talking to his family is what you want then you can do that. You have no control over his actions and thereforeeee he should have none over you. Though I would stay away from the family personally, since I think NC can be better maintained when you know nothing of the ex.

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okay i'd like to keep in contact, and they do a good job of not bringing him up at all, so i'll just make sure I DONT DO IT. they like me for me and they dont want to hurt me by talking about him...so until something fails by talking to them...i think i will continue. i need to end my damn curiosity of looking at his stinkin profiles online. i deleted them all and blocked him but my friends are still friends with him so if i get really emotional i can go to those. how do i stop myself???? cuz it only ends up hurting me knowing that he has that twinkle of happiness/being in love with another girl...ARRGGGHHH it makes me angry just thinking about the way he smiles with her--i never gave him such a smile. this is what i get for looking at his profile. you would think the hurt would keep me from looking, but it doesnt. my stinkin curiosity overrules it for some gosh darned reason that i want to kill.


any ideas would be HIGHLY appreciated. oh, and to update, i still gotta get the pregnancy test cuz i've been the biggest procrastinator and NOT wanting to accept that i have to take it. ugh. fun times. yay life.


and why is suicide frowned upon when we're going through so much stinkin pain??? dar sure things might get better...but why is it worth this pain right now????

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Of suicide is frowned upon for obvious reasons, but look at it this way. Say for example you kill yourself over this situation and you don't do it. A couple of months pass and you think this guy is a fool, now wouldn't you look foolish killing yourself over something so trivial. If knowing that this guy has happiness is killing you maybe you should step away from the common ground (you and your ex shared) for a little while. To clear the head all that good stuff. If your ex wants to burn himself by going with another so quickly after dumping you, then let him. There two thoughts on this, he could be rebounding or he interacted with this girl while he was with you. Either case he is a fool. This is not the same guy you fell in love with... So why pine for him?

I know its easier said then done from my side but keep these words in your head. You have to step away, even from this nice family of his and find some time for yourself. Every moment of your presense feeds into the worsening of the situation. Believe me. Good luck and keep strong.

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oh and i got spotting this morning too...i really dont feel like having our mutual friend tell him cuz i'm so effin pissed at him. lie after lie. i'm not pining over such an a-hole, i'm just so freaking mad at him for the way he's trying so hard to hurt me. i've never done anything remotely mean to him so why do i get this treatment?? arrr it makes me soo ANGRY!!!!

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