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My Girlfriend And Her Friends

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For the past couple of days i have been relizing that my girlfriend is...um...maybe having much more fun with her friends then in our relationship...maybe this is a stupid topic but its really bothering me...i think our relationship is getting kinda boring...we make out when ever we get the chance so sexaulity isnt a problem...is there anyway to make our relationaship a little more fun?

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Hey man, I felt I had the same problems in my last relationship and thats probably one reason why it ended. Then again there were several reasons that played into that.


If you want me advice: take her places and have some fun with her. Nothing too over the top or too expensive you'll go broke in a week but something fun for both of you. I've been dating this girl for over a week and I recently took her to a BMX thing - she had tons of fun. Following that example just take her places, but not to the same place over and over, find something new and fun for the both of you that you can enjoy together... Hope this helps.

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