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how do i ask her out?


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Hi everyone, im 14 and i really like this girl in my year - we are really good friends and i have told her what my feelings are for her.

I suppose this question is aimed at the younger members but any advice would be appreciated:


How should i ask her to go out with me?


Should i just say "will you go out with me" or should i say it in a more subtle and non direct way? I really dont know how to ask her, we hang around quite a lot together (at weekends, sometimes in school and talk a lot on the phone etc) and i want to ask her to go out with me but i dont know how i should say it, i have been wondering for quite a few days now and i really want to ask her but at the same time i dont want to ruin our friendship.

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aiight im 15 so i know were your coming from.. listen up man first you should be friends with her so that she knows you , you know.. anyway when your younger like our age you can just say "will you go out with me" should be fine.. but just incase if she says "where" make sure you got plans.. Usually when your older you'd say like "Wanna go out for lunch with me?" or something like that..

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whats up buddy, listen, you don't have to worry about ruining your friendship at your age, if theres any rejection (which, after you take my advice, there won't be any rejection ), but if there was to be, you'd both get over it and things will be the same. So heres the thing, you like this chick and you wanna ask her out, start off by taking her out somewhere, you don't need to go on some date or sh*t like that, you just wanna ask her out, take her to a nice subtle, calm and quiet place, something with a nice view would be preferred, talk to her one on one, casually bring up a conversation of dating and love and thiings along those lines, then approach her with a sweet build up to the question, say something like " hey listen (her name), this past while i've been thinkin alot about you, i think your a sweetheart, your beautiful and you make me feel good, i've also been thinkin that i would love to have you as my girl, would you wanna go out with me"...say something along those lines, just play it smooth, act as though it's nothing, and when you say this to her, make suere your body is facing her, your eyes meet hers, lean a little forward to show your really interested, and if....oh i'm sorry, when she says yes, lean forward and kiss her, it'll work out perfectly...trust me

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your luck has been wished, and don't hope it will turn out for the best, know it will, you'll be fine, it's good that your getting some experience now, cause as you get older, sh*t starts to happen, i'm turning 19 soon and i've been caught in some fu*ked up situations before, and you should here the sh*t i'm in now, but anyway if....damn, theres that word again, when you get this girl to date you, hold on to her for a while, experience some new things, this way, once the next girl comes along, you'll be wiser, if you want you can check out my other posts, just click on my name and go to the post "unfaithful love, she likes me, i like her, but she's taken" read that and you'll understand why holding on to that one girl is more important then anything, cause if you don't, you'll end up lost like me....good luck bud..trust me

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