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Laws of Attraction..hmmm

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I think a good way to start sending out those positive vibes to your ex is to do what James Arthur Ray said. It all starts with forgiveness. He said that if you don't truly forgive someone, then it's equal to you drinking a vial of poison and hoping the other person dies from it. The toxins are in you, not the other person. I thought that analogy was simple AND profound.


It worked for me right off the bat. My ex had refused to talk to me at all. Phone calls went unanswered and unreturned, emails went ignored, and I was putting myself through hell over it. After I stumbled accross the LOA (not from The Secret but another source) I began practicing.


I felt good, was in a good emotional place, so I decided it was time. I sent her an email, and I told her that it may sound crazy but I forgive her for the way she'd been towards me in the last few months. I accepted responsibility for putting her in a position to make her feel it was necessary to be that way towards me. She didn't ask for my forgivess. I just offered it. The result was that she actually replied and we spoke through email, back and forth, for the first time in a long time.


It's minimal but it's enough to get my enthusiasm up, which promotes positive energy, which ...well you guys know how it works. The key is that you KNOW it works. It's awesome.

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But one someone has subconsciously blocked you out I dont think it will work


True. But feelings change all the time and there is no way of knowing for sure that a person has permanently blocked someone out and even if they think they have, they may find themselves changing their minds. Often, nothing is set in stone, in either direction. There are no guarantees in life. Like with absolutely anything in life, even if you do everything "right" you still might not get the result you want. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try. But you should do it in a healthy way once you have figure out what you truly want and what is a reasonable and healthy way of trying to get it all the while realizing even if you do everything "right" you still might not get what you want, and being OK with that.

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Lost...if someone has subconsciously blocked you out, it is due to you being negative, making them think negative thought associated with you. The way to combat that and reverse that is to influence them in a positive way. Then, with time, those positive vibes seep in through to the subconscious. It is quite simple. Think the best and you get the best. Think the worst and...well, your wish is my command.

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If you're using LOA as form to better yourself and your thinking to get out of the negative, depression state of being a dumpee how can you send out these positive vibes and attitude to your ex who has such negative thoughts about you??? My ex thinks negative about me and in life in general. I know LOA is not a means of getting your ex back but how can we use this so that they think of us in a different light other than negative thoughts....

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Because Houdini when you apply the LOA you become a different person. That change resonates my friend. If you haven't studied up on the LOA and don't understand the science behind it, I suggest you start reading. It has to do with energy. Brainwaves and vibrational energy. I suggest that you go to link removed register at that site, watch the movie online, it's only 4.95, and then allow yourself to be inspired. Isn't that worth 4.95???


Not that I'm trying to steer anyone away from here, because I think this forum is great too, but there is a forum that you can join in at the site also. It's informative and you can get questions like you asked answered by someone who knows much more than I do about it.

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I think also that if you're going to apply the LOA to your life, you musn't do it with the one hope/goal/purpose of getting your ex back. In fact I hate the term "getting your ex back". It sounds so one sided, like you're battling it out for a prize.


As this forum is titled "Getting Back Together" I think it's important to understand that your ex plays a 50% chance in your reconciliation. You may preen and "change" and be positive but somewhere in their mind, they have to want to give you both another try.


LOA to me is about self confidence, inner respect. Now if you were to respect yourself would you beg/cry/send 100s of roses to your ex? NO! You'd step out of the circle of confusion, give each other time and realise that even if you're in contact with your ex but they are not jumping into your arms, it's not the end of the world. Because LOA takes time and knowing that you deserve the best.

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Hey guys, I have been reading the posts. I dont think LOA cannot be treated as some kind of new found magic spell that people can use to get back their ex's. It doesnt work that way and people are going to be hugely disappointed if they try to because its not going to work!! As I had mentioned in my previous post somewhere, its scientifically proven that brain emits waves with different levels of energy which another brain picks up on. It could be negative/positive. The other brain which picks up on this wave can choose to act on this wave or it might not. For example if you like a person, even if it doesnt manifest itself physically the brain of the other person picks up on the vibe but it depends entirely on them whether they choose to act on it or not!

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Houdini, I don't think you can do much about how your ex thinks about you! Honestly,not to come off as rude or anything but there must be a reason why your ex thinks of you in a negative light right? I think all you can do is maintain your distance and be a better person not for your ex but for yourself and in time, your ex will see that you have changed and will appreciate the change!!

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LOA is a funny thing...The Secret theorizes that you even give off these "frequencies of attraction" when you are asleep. I kid you not last night I had a dream about my ex and reconciliation....i woke up today and had a text from him at midnight last night. He is a committmentphobe, so I think that the book might benefit him and get him to think, really think about what he wants in life.

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I ordered the book "the secret" today and will watch the movie online tonight. Seems like the bookstores can not keep this book in stock so there is something special about LOA and I know it's not a cure-all book to save us from depression or how to get our ex-back (I agree with you Mavis, it's not a game to win the big prize) anyhow, If there are tools that can help us broken hearted people get out of the rutt some of us are in (like me) I'll sure as heck give it a try and if it helps shine a different light on our ex that we're not that needy, possessive, depressed, sad and angry person we once were then more power to us if we can accomplish the goal of becoming the exact opposite of those bad characteristics that more than likely make our ex want to run the other way. I know that LOA is not some magic spell but from what I've read so far it sounds as if it's a way of thinking, positive thinking. Who wants negativity in their lives..obviously our ex's don't so why not be positive in our thinking and in our lives and radiate the positive vibes so that our ex's and other potential loves can be attracted to us and we can decides what is best for our lives when the options start coming our way..... Just my two cents.. not sure if it makes sense but I just had to write something....to avoid the negativity of my situation and heartbreak....

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Mavis I agree with you 100%. If you respect yourself you wouldn't beg, cry, plead, send dozens of roses or anything. You wouldn't need to because you wouldn't feel desperate. You won't feel desperate because your thoughts, the key to your feelings, are one of someone who is happy and successful. I agree with what you're saying completely.


I also don't really care for "getting back together" either. I prefer to think of it as two ever-evolving spirits re-connecting in their earthly journey.

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If anything, the LOA and watching the secret etc, just amplifies the fact for self respect and being happy...and it points out that in NO WAY did my ex give me any of that...He treated me like crap and it helps if nothing else to give you a sense of self worth and that you are worthy for greater things abd better things...


Woo hooo...positive thinking ROCKS!!!

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Wow- Glad the post is getting a good buzz. And there's other out there looking into this.


After reading up a little on it this morning. I really started to think. And the weird thing is, I started applying these things the MINUTE we broke up, the second time. Immediate NC, and immediately started focusing on myself. I've been more honest with myself the past 11 days, then I have my whole life, and I truly feel like I'm connecting to ME.


I'm overdue to make changes in my life, and I'm not longer going to sit on them.

The ex has problems, big problems. She needs therapy, and most of all she needs love. Something I gave her more than enough of, but it makes sense as to why she can't just see that. She doesn't love herself, if she did she wouldn't be in the situation she is.


I realized today, I'm not mad at her for the past year in a half of my life. She is a good person. And hopefully time will turn her life around. I'm mad at myself, for allowing her to make ME feel the way I do. I know I'm a good person, I know I have a lot of love to offer, so does she. She just can't get past her own insecurities, and she's too scared to help herself.


I laid down this evening and thought about all this. I thought "I'm going to be happy, and I'm going to be ok...help her be ok, give her happiness, and if she still loves me, show me".....as much as it could just be a coincidence, I got a petty "Just wanted to show you some LOVE" comment on my myspace tonight from her, after 11 days NC.


I think the biggest change in myself, happened 3-4 weeks ago. I got a call from my first "puppy dog love", whom I've been great friends with 10 years later. And her father passed away. I immediately hopped on the bus and took the 6 hour trip to be there for her, and her family who are very dear to me.


Let it be known this was not her biological father, but her 2 sisters, and 1 brother's dad. But it was the only dad she ever knew in her 23 years. I knew him, not very well, but knew him. Him and her mother had an on and off again, love/hate relationship for 20 years. They never cheated on eachother, but at the same time couldn't stand eachother, yet loved one another dearly. Yes, very complicated.


I attended the funeral, and watched these 5 lost souls grieve. Alls I could think was "I can't imagine losing my father, not so soon". It brings tears to my eyes even thinking about that day. After the burial, I spent the night with her brother (who has always looked to me like an older brother) her 2 younger sisters, her, and her family. We laughed, told old stories, and tried to look at things in a better light.

I went home the next day with a whole new meaning to MY life. It's so cliche to say it but life is TOO damn short. You need to love the ones you have, and not worry about the ones that aren't in your life.


As much as I love my ex, I know right now she doesn't have it in her to have a healthy relationship. I wish more than anything I could help her, show her the "light", but I can't. I have faith in her, and whoever is up there watching down on us, that she will turn her life around. And when that day comes, I'll be the first to tell her how proud I am.

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