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I don't know what it means to love...

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...or how to love someone for that matter. They say that children learn from their parents and if that's true, then I don't think I've ever known how to love another human being my entire life. Because whenever I go to my parents for support and comfort about a problem (ie being unhappy in life), they just tell me to "deal with it"...or that they weren't given much choices in life either so why should I be complaining about my life. I feel like this little child who's crying on the inside and wanting to hugged and comforted by my parents...but I get neither. So that's how I'm treating everyone atm - I tell them to deal with it. I don't know how to sympathise, I don't know how to extend any love or care. I'm just a stone inside and its no surprise everyone hates me because of it.

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If you could imagine what it'd be like if you did not know a single person, Those who you see every day, imagine they were gone, and you would never see them again. Would you be sad?


What you have to do, is you have to tell someone... and they'll comfort you.. Just open up. Tell somebody that you were never cared for... or you feel like you've never been cared for. And they'll care for you... when somebody comes to you asking for comfort, share with them and say "I know exactly how you feel"... or say that you feel happy that they specifically came to YOU. That shows that they care about you, and want a hug from you. Doesn't the fact they want your advice say enough?

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oh and plus: I never learned how to love from my parents... I never had my dad, and my mum was always too drunk to care.


I learned to love someone through my first boyfriend, who then broke my heart... I had friends who cared about me afterwards... and I know for a fact I am loved by my current boyfriend (despite my thread) I would never have had these people I didn't open up to them.

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My apologies for the loveless childhood you experienced. I too was raised in a cold environment, but to get love one must give love. It's not as easy as it sounds. You must completely understand and acknowledge what circumstances created this stone cold reaction to life. The book that put my childhood and love in order was "Bad Childhood---Good Life: How to Blossom and Thrive in Spite of an Unhappy Childhood" by Dr. Laura C. Schlessinger. This is the best book I've ever read on the subject of love.

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