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Something I'm beginning to wonder about y'all. Even though I've known my 'ex-friend' shall we say for 5 years, who IS she for real? What did she do to earn or keep my friendship? Why did I believe that she deserved MY friendship when she offered next to nothing in return? In short, Who is SHE to deserve ME?


Now wait a minute here..let's go with this for a sec. I'm a HELLUVA guy, not that ugly, big loving heart, strong family values and morals, lots o' muscles, intelligent, have a GREAT career with a bright future and can WAIL on guitar!

WHY in the world should I even THINK she deserved me??? Man, She lost out BIG TIME!!!!!!!! I have issues ( as y'all know) like anyone else, but nothing to keep me from regaining my dignity and getting ME back from that 'situation'.

Here's the thing: SHE'S THE ONE THAT LOST OUT, NOT ME!!!!!!!SO here's something else I'm beginning to realize..A good loving heart deserves a good loving heart. TRUE Love isn't love unless it's returned and nurtured. We can adore 'em until the end of time, worship them, put them on a pedestal, give them gifts and attention. They LOVE it- people love attention.....But it ain't real unless it's returned. I know I know, DUH!!!! Y'all are saying "this boy ain't right"-that's ok, I'm learning..Better late than never huh???


So she was the cutest little gal I ever laid eyes on-I realized today that I thought the same exact thing about a girl I knew 10 years ago, and for that matter, every gal I ever had a 'thing' for was the absolute most drop-dead gorgeous thing I ever saw!!!


I digress...


Just WHO is this person after all? In reality, she's a STRANGER...She's done NOTHING to deserve the warmth and love in my heart. She may have a good heart, but there was little effort to return the love and attention I gave her. I look at love like this now...It's sort of like a fresh, beautiful flower that just blooms and grows as long as it's cared for. If it's neglected, it wilts and dies, leaving an ugly twisted weed.


I ain't no weed...I thought I'd bloomed, but I haven't even been planted yet In essense, I'm realizing what the whole situation REALLY was. I have a ways to go, including getting REALLY pissed as another poster has..But this is the FIRST day on my way back to me...


Ok, well don't know if that'll help anybody, but I think I'm beginning the road back, and just wanted to keep y'all informed on my progress. There's some really special folks here that get ya thinking...

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I agree my friend. I'm not as far alon as you, but I see the fog clearing ahead. NO ONE gets away with treating someone the way I was treated. Especially someone who you love, and still tells me they love me.


Congrats on the realization! Hopefully I will be there soon.


Right before my ex ended it with me, she kept saying how I had turned her into a different person, and until I just read your post, I didn't realize that she was probably the reason I had turned into a different person. Her lack of maturity forced me to be more mature that I wanted to be. I had to be her parent, and watch after her. I didn't want this role, but it was forced upon me, and she now resents me for this.


Good luck, and remember, YOU deserve better.

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??? You went on a few dates with her five years ago! As of now, she has done everything possible to keep you away from her.


She has done nothing to deserve anything from you, nothing at all. But yet you seem to fantasize with a relationship with her, you refer to her as your ex, now ex-friend, when in fact, nothing happened.



What you are feeling is not love, it is an obsession. You are obsessed with this girl, you've stalked this girl, and even after she called the cops to keep you away from her, you come up with new illusions in your mind to convince yourself that she is interested in you.


You have to get yourself to realize it is nothing more than an obsession, that everything that has "happened", was just a mere illusion created by yourself.


Please, for your own good, seek help. Get yourself free of that obsession, and once you've done that, and get to know what love is, you'll regret wasting that much time obsessed over a random girl.

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