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My wife drinks to much and get mad at me

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I haven't been here in quite a while, but I'm having a bit of a problem. My wife has a tendency to drink to much on occasion, and becomes rather annoying. If I say anything about it I become the evil bad guy, if I try and cut her off I am the bad guy, and if I say nothing I just become Fed up and angry. Any advice anyone?

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That is a tough one. Do other people also find her annoying when she is like this? If they do maybe you could tell her that. She might take it more seriously if she knows you aren't the only one who thinks this. You also might want to remind her of what that can do to her health. Tell her you want to grow old with her and you don't want to see her ravished with liver diease or anything like that. Do you have kids? Ask her what your kids would think if they saw their Mom falling down drunk.


Just some ideas, hope that helped.

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I don't understand what you mean by annoying. Can you explain a bit more about how she acts that is so bothersome to you? Is there a reason she drinks? Is she using alcohol to deal with something, or is it just for pleasure? If she's using it to deal with something you have to get to the source of the problem before she'll quit. Otherwise she should just be able to quit out of consideration for your feelings.

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