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I finally understand

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I just want to let everyone in here know the secret of being happy after a break up; You cant just sit around crying over somthing that could of been. What you should do is find a way to make yourself happy. It took me about three weeks to understand this, I was always crying,couldnt eat, couldnt sleep, and had trouble at work. You need a motive to get yourself through this. My motive is my son, from now on I will do everything in his interest, because it makes me happy to make my son happy. If you dont have a kid you need to write down all of your emotions on paper until you feel satisfied, yes it will take time; but you will overcome it. If you love your spouse and they didnt love you back, dont you relize its not a relationship? I may not be helping anybody but I helped myself. Right now if I help myself I feel like I can do anything now that my self esteem is back. You absolutly need somthing to motivate you to get over the relationship. I am now a happy person without my ex. Thinking what we could of been was a mistake because she wasnt interested in what we could of been. She was interested in herself. You guys need to relize a relationship is a 2 part deal, if one party isnt willing to make it a relationship; it really isnt worth your time. I posted this because im finnally happy and I might be able to atleast help one other person.

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I also want to mention, after being in a serious relationship you might not want to jump into a relationship right away. Sure it may make you feel wanted, but give yourself lots of time to heal. The reason I say this is because I still love the girl, just not the way I loved her before. It is a different love, I mean without her I wouldnt have the most precious thing to me, my son. Some situations are different if getting into a relationship is good for you, do it; but consider what has happened and also think use your head not your heart right now, you want to do what is in your best interest. I wish everyone luck with their breakups. You just need to be strong and hold yourself togather, do not bottle up your emotions but find a healthy way to express them! You are you and thats who you need to take care of the most because if you cant take care of you; You will have problems taking care of anbody or anything else! Take it easy for awhile before deciding on jumping into a serious relationship again.

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