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Second Date after a Blind Date!

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Hello all! This is kind of a long post, but I would greatly appreciate you taking the time to read and give me your thoughts.


I'm a 20-year old college student. My girlfriend of 2.5 years broke up with me 2.5 months ago. Easily the worst experience of my life. I wanted her back so badly but was more than willing to give her some space in the hopes that she would return. I grew a lot over the 2.5 months and started feeling a bit better.


Anyway, the other day I got a random email from a former professor of mine who I was close to, saying that two of his female students didn't want to spend Valentine's Day alone and wanted him to find them dates. He said he would trust me with his own daughter and asked if I was interested. I said yes, so my friend and I went on a blind double-date.


A week ago I was missing my ex a lot and could never imagined going on a date, but I am quite proud of myself for going. I had so much fun! We went mini-golfing and then out to dinner where we chatted for almost three hours! We didn't pair off, it was the four of us together, but I definitely liked one of the girls more than the other. We talked/flirted a lot and during dinner she started gently rubbing her foot against my leg under the table. When the date was over, all four of us said we had a good time and they mentioned us coming to a show with them on Saturday night.


When I got back to my room, the girls called my cell phone and asked if I wanted to come over to their room to watch TV. They didn't say anything about my friend so I ended up going there alone. I watched TV with the two of them for a couple hours and didn't get home until very, very late. It was weird, because I think I had a connection with the one girl, but I wasn't sure if both of them thought that also.


Finally, my question. I want to give the girl that I like a call tomorrow and ask her if she still wants to go to the show on Saturday. It's hard to explain, but I really don't know how they feel about the whole situation. Does just this girl have an interest in me? Do they both? Is it just the girl that I'm not attracted to?


Is Friday (two days after the date) a good time or should I wait until Saturday? I've never dated anyone except my ex in my life, so I'm pretty new to all this! Thanks!

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Gosh, where can I find a professor who'll set me up on a blind date like that???


Calling two days after the date is fine. I personally would find it cute if a guy called to verify any plans that weren't yet set in stone. I say go for it and call the one that you liked. I think it's fairly safe to say that there's something on her end as well -- after all, she did play footsie with you, right? Having her other friend there could just be moral support. And the phone call can clarify a lot of things...If it's the other one who likes you and not her, she'll most likely say something about how much her friend is looking forward to coming along...

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Gosh, where can I find a professor who'll set me up on a blind date like that???


Calling two days after the date is fine. I personally would find it cute if a guy called to verify any plans that weren't yet set in stone. I say go for it and call the one that you liked. I think it's fairly safe to say that there's something on her end as well -- after all, she did play footsie with you, right? Having her other friend there could just be moral support. And the phone call can clarify a lot of things...If it's the other one who likes you and not her, she'll most likely say something about how much her friend is looking forward to coming along...


I know, is he the coolest professor or what? lol


I'm going to give the girl I like a call sometime tomorrow. As you said, she did play footsie with me ... there has to be some interest there!

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Hmmm, I'm a little confused.


I called the girl I like around 4:30 today. She didn't answer, so I left a message asking if she was still interested in going to that show tomorrow and to give me a call back. She didn't call back today.


I'm actually really surprised she didn't return my call. She seemed to really be into me on Wednesday and she was the one who suggested hanging out on Saturday. Do you think she'll call tomorrow? It's not the end of the world if she doesn't want to go out again, but I really had a good time with her and she seemed to like me.

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Ok, she called me back on Saturday and we made plans for the four of us to hang out again. It turned into a really great night. After the show, the four of us wound up in her room, just hanging out and talking until 5 in the morning.


The girl I like (we'll call her D) and I were "eye-flirting" the entire night long. We talked about so much, it was great. When my friend and I left he said, "She would not stop staring at you the entire night!". She gave me so many little glances and smiles throughout the night.


Today I sent her a text telling her that I had a lot of fun and suggested hanging out sometime this week. That was a few hours ago and she hasn't responded. If she doesn't respond, should I call her in a few days and set something up? I want a chance for the two of us to do something together once, instead of in a group of people.

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Don't sweat over a few hours. I'd start to worry if its a few DAYS, hey? She might not have checked her phone, or left it at home or suchlike.


If you don't hear back from her soon, then yeah, give her a call (sometimes those electronic things don't work!). It sounds like she likes you.

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Well, she ended up texting me back that night and we had a text conversation for about half an hour. She ended by asking me to call her about hanging out sometime this week.


I gave her a call this afternoon but had to leave a message. Once again, she hasn't called me back. It seems like she always waits quite a few hours or until the next day to call back ... is this normal? I got out of a long-term relationship a few months ago (which happened to be my first ever relationship) so I don't have a lot of dating experience.


I really really am starting to like this girl and I just want to make sure I'm not believing that there's something here when there really is not, and setting myself up for disappointment.


Thanks for your responses

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