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What should I do?

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OK- so im 25 and I am still working on my bachelors degree. I have a choice to transfer in the fall to four different colleges and I cant decide what to. I moved to the Palm Springs area to live with my mom and go to school. They have a four year extension college out here i can attend. The problem is that the social life for someone my age SUCKS. A lot of people are out here to retire and my age group is not high quality. Also there isnt a lot of cool stuff to do that Im used to doing. I have no motivation to try and make any social connections because I know I am eventually going to move again. The smartest thing to do would be to stay here and finish, and not take out loans.

But I am very extroverted and social life is a big deal to me. If I go to another college it will be fun to have a better social life, get involved, build up relationships, maybe find a quality man. But I will definently struggle finacially. Ill have to take out a bunch of loans and work, and have no clothes and not really be able to afford an expensive social life. Im not a great student so that makes it hard for me to receive any special scholarships and grants.

any advice?

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having gone to school in a rule area I would say that if you aren't making friends because you are just going to move in a little bit then how is that going to change when you go somewhere else? The financial part is also huge. I didn't think it was that big of a deal when I was going to school, and now the loan payments are seriously impacting my standard of living. I wish I would have made smarter financial decisions when I was in school. Wanting to be social will make it easier to over look the financial part, but remember that you aren't going to school for the life you live now. You are going to school so you can live the life you want once you are out of school.

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How many years do you have left until you graduate?


If its only a short time, then I would stick it out, save the money and then you can move to where ever you want to after you graduate and get a decent paying job.


You can see if there are any student organizations in your area of study, that way you can make some friends and also learn about your chosen field.

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Hey JoJo-


Well, this is a tough one. Whichever choice you make there are going to be definite pros and cons. The key I think is weighting those pros and cons based on you and your situation.


I think an important financial question to consider is if you are elgible for in-state tuition? If not, definitely take steps to getting to this point. That is likely the biggest financial hurdle you will face.


Aside from that, my view is this. At this time in your life, you are investing in one of the most solid aspects of life in this country, your education. And money is something you can always make more of. Memories and life experiences you cannot buy.


It sounds from your post this current situation is bringing you down more than it is bringing you up. You are at a time in your life where you have the freedom to go and do whatever you want and you may not always have such a freedom.


It also sounds like you want to transfer but the thing that is holding you back is the financial aspect of this. I say do it, transfer. There is a lot more to be learned in school than what is taught in the lectures and I think you will get a much better return on your investment by transferring and expanding your educational experience in this way.

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Are there any scholarships you can apply for to help you get through school? Check out if that school has any and also check out link removed. It has you fill out information about yourself and finds all these scholarships that apply to you. You might end up writing a ton of essays for them, but hey it's worth a shot.

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