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Should I give him 1 more chance?

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You need to try to not 'link' two different people in terms of trust. by that i mean, every person you are with needs to be evaluated as an individual, and not as either potentially trustworthy or untrustworthy by default.


It never pays to disengage your intuition and ignore any little warning pings. but you should be investigating those pings farther, to see whether it is just a knee jerk fear reaction, or a real reason to be suspicious. i think the tendency is to try to categorize people as 'good' or 'bad', and that leads to a lot of problems in misjudging people.


i think it is normal for people to 'brag' on themselves when first trying to impress someone, but is it just stretches of the truth, or lots of untruths and potential pathological lying? posting a picture that shows him weighing less is not unusual, especially if he had no recent pictures, and it would be obvious once you met him what he looked like... but if he is exaggerating or caught in multiple, even small, lies about all kinds of things, i would really worry.


and don't be distracted by him buying his way into your affections... that could be generosity, or else manipulation.


so sit down and evaluate everything he does on a case by case basis til you form a clearer picture of him, and if you think there is more than the normal amount of truth stretching, beware!


one should neither by default trust or distrust someone, just observe their behavior and investigate any hunches or red flags you feel. that should keep you closer to the path of who he really is.

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From what I know, I don't think that he's a pathological liar. I haven't caught him in any major lies....in fact I've only confronted him about one. He seems to be a really "by the book" kind of person. He just tells stories that seem out of the ordinary (for an ordinary person like me).

I don't know if I'm ready to pursue a relationship with him at this point, but I would like to remain friends because I think he's a really cool person.

Don't know what will come of all this.....

I hope it's for the best.

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