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this is my rant for the day and also a post so i do not break NC, because this has been on my mind for the last few hours.


the one thing i regret from everything- the relationship, the breakup and the aftermath of the breakup is how i acted like the biggest imbecile in the history of the world after i found out she was giving me the axe.


i told her i was going to kill myself...she said she couldnt breathe when i told her this and that she has never felt that way in her life. and also begging for her to take me back. why the hell wasnt "NO" the first time enough for me? it's like i love being tortured and just kept going back for more!


what the hell is wrong with me?????


i guess better posted here than in an email to her apologizing for what i did.

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Don't beat yourself up. The begging, the pleading...it happens to the best of us. It even happens to people who have already had the experience of doing that and seeing how it does not work and actually just makes them feel worse. Don't worry about it at all, especially now that you realize it was a mistake to act that way. Give yourself some credit for recognizing behavior in yourself that you don't like. A lot of people never seem torealize that they are acting in an unfortunate manner following a breakup.

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