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Definitly could use some input on this issue

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Well. I'm not sure how to explain all of this.


Something is bugging me that really shouldn't. My boyfriend doesn't want to have sex. He tells me he wants to wait so it can be special. My problem is....I'm the first girlfriend he hasn't had sex with within the first week or two. My insecurities are telling me that he's probably off doing things behind my back with another girl. Why this bugs me, well, I'm sure, but I don't know what to think of it. Am I over reacting? Another thing is how he wants me to give him a bj all the time, yet he won't do anything for me in return, which is another reason as to why I think somethings up. What do you guys think??

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hmmm... that sounds like he is being very selfish... getting his needs met, and ignoring yours... some men actually prefer bj's to intercourse, or they like the variety (i.e., some girls won't do them, others will, so if their girlfriend won't they go look elsewhere for one)...


so i'd say, yeah, you are having sex, or should i say HE is getting what he wants, without returning the favor.. so i'd worry as much or more than about the cheating angle at this point, but more about the 'selfish' and 'user' angle.... big red flags!


if you really like him, then i'd suggest he'd better hurry and up with making it 'something special' for you, and stop the bj's until you see whether he's just using you for those or not...

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