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Day 40 of Misery- Will It Ever End?

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today is day 40 since my ex of 19 months dumped me.


i broke no contact of 30 days yesterday, pretty much begging her to take me back. she said that she misses me and she is not over me, she also thanked me for caring about her from Day One and loving her as much as I did, but she thinks the break up is the best idea and she is sticking to it.


what the hell happened to all of her talk of how she loved me so much and how she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me, etc etc etc????


i took her on the first date of her life and she was almost 23 years old when this happened. does she think that she is just going to go out and find someone who would do anything in the world for her?


is there any chance we ever get back together and is there any chance this pain will go away?


i still do not have an appetite, cant sleep and spend every second of the day thinking of her.


this sucks so much...i never want to feel like this again.:sad: :sad:

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40 days is nothing...time will really help you feel better. Yesterday was a big set-back for you. I just got dumped today but the relationship was nowhere near as long as yours and I'm still pretty hurt by it. I think you just have to keep doing NC and things will get better. Unless for some reason you must talk to her...it will probably make things harder on you if you do. Good luck. Time heals.

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Try not to think of the "chance to get back together" as that will knock you each and every time. You have to approach the situation from the point of her leaving and never wanting to see you again or to pretend that she is dead and buried. Hope is good to have but bad if it interferes with your healing. It seems that you underwent NC with the hope of getting her back. Getting her back through NC is a possible byproduct but not a necessarily a result.

The pain will go away, eventually, but you will be feeling it every step of the way. So prepare for an extremely long haul of pain, doubt, regret and self-condemnation. But that is why you're here, to disperse it amongst us because we can help you shoulder some of that burden.

And to wonder what her life will be like without you, or whether she could ever possibly find somebody as good as you is no more your concern. She is out of your life and thereforeeee beyond your concerns. It's thinking like that that will set you back in the healing process. You have to start taking of you. And that means eating again, sleeping and having a full life.

Sure it seems like a Herculean task, but trust me it can be done if you choose to. If not, then I have wasted my words.

Good luck and keep strong. I have faith in you.

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to be honest mate,, theres no chance... ive been waiting for the same outcome since end of november!!


wondering sword--And to wonder what her life will be like without you, or whether she could ever possibly find somebody as good as you is no more your concern. She is out of your life and thereforeeee beyond your concerns.


this is the hardest thing to stop thinking about.... i cant stop thinking about her leaving me behind (so to speak).... i really miss her and fantasize about what she is doing ... then get a blunt blow in the heart when i realise she may be with someone else...


.. and that girl who not so long ago said she would love me forever and spend the rest of her life with me... was lying and is moving on with her life with no regard for me whatso ever.....


i would have died for her..... now im just left feeling like a directionless, weak, pathetic jealous ex!


life really does suck.. and herlife couldn't be much better..


after 3 months nrly... the pain is still there... im just sick of showing it!

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now im just left feeling like a directionless, weak, pathetic jealous ex!


are you one?


from someone who's worn the same shoes: if you love her, i mean really care about what's best for her, trust in her judgment and let go. i know how hard it is--few things in life are harder--but you won't feel pathetic anymore.


NC is a way to get over someone; it doesn't bring them back once they've moved on. and counting days, that's just like picking at a scab - it won't heal unless you leave it alone until it's gone.

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sodone,, i know .. and i think she has made the right decision.. thats why it's even harder to take... i want her to be happy i really do but i just cant past the thought of her with another man,,,, living herlife without me... ive tried but i just cant!


the sooner i can accept this, the sooner i can move on... but i just can't accept it!


i dont kno if its male pride or just me!

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I don't think it is just "you" or "male pride"....I'm having problems with those things


Exactly, me too, and so do probably most people that have really loved their partner (and haven't been treated so badly that they are glad to e rid of him/her).

I really think the whole thinking of him/her 24/7 and secretely hoping that there is still a chance is a very common and normal reaction and even if you do know that it is unrealistic or you shouldn't have theses thoughts, you just can't fight them. And to hate yourself for having them or telling yourself "I won't get better if I still thin of her/him" doesn't help when you are already feeling your lowest...I am talking about myself, as well (see the thread I opened) cause I have so much trouble letting go and know that it won't happen very soon. But I am not even trying to fight it anymore. It even keeps me going sometimes cause i tell myself "if I still miss him that bad in a few months time, I will give it another go and come back to him" (we had a country-distance problem...so we still love each other).

I wouldn't see it as "only if you let go, you can heal"-process, but rather like "being able to let go IS part of the healing process and it will happen.

Good luck to all of us!

If someone would have told me a few years ago that I would once be so miserable (at all) and this because of a love thing, i wouldn't have believed it!! Suddenly I see...

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If someone would have told me a few years ago that I would once be so miserable (at all) and this because of a love thing, i wouldn't have believed it!! Suddenly I see...


same here, i used to laugh (kind of) at friends and family who got overly emotional over relationships past adn present... like get over it you wuss... what s the big issue... youre pathetic...


now i can see the light! i see how painful it is... when your soulmate has left you,, the person who completes you as a human being... the person who gave you reason to be alive just ups and goes... everything has to be re-evaluated this takes time and its obvious it aint gonna be easy and jealousy will kick in....


you know... i would love to believe that there is destiny and things happen for a reason and we have all got a plan.... it would give me some comfort!

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same here, i used to laugh (kind of) at friends and family who got overly emotional over relationships past adn present... like get over it you wuss... what s the big issue... youre pathetic...

Exactly!!! Well, I guess you only know what it's like once you have been there. It's almost like this dark evil place where you find yourself that makes you an initiate all over sudden. You're "one of them" and no better than the rest cause in this place, everyone feels the same...Hm, a bit over the top, but hey!


you know... i would love to believe that there is destiny and things happen for a reason and we have all got a plan.... it would give me some comfort!

Me too, but I just don't. I used to go thorugh life with a "I'm gonna be ok, things will somehow always work out" attituted, but since what happened to me with my relationship and since I am here now, heartbroken and having to start my own life, I am suddenly scared and realise how quickly things can go down the drain!

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