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Has anyone read Mars and Venus on a date??

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To those of you who've read this book is it worth the read? Also can anyone shed some quick light on the uncertainty stage??


I have done some thinking and I think this is where my relationships are taking a nosedive..I love the immediate attraction phase but then when it goes to uncertain and decreased attention I get mad and impatient!



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I've read it and definetely think it has a lot of good advice. it makes sense....

I too get impatient when I think things "should" be going at a faster pace...

and have done stupid things like call all the time asking where things are going etc. The book offers practical advice on what to expect through all the stages of dating and how to adapt to it.


Definetely a good read.

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Its interesting. It talks about how men and women have different viewpoints about what various "milestones" mean in a relationship. While some of it I disagree with, on the overall, it was an interesting and informative book and does make you think about what your expectations are and importantly what the other's expectations might be.

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