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sex time?

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Well when I was younger I know that for me it was around 20 minutes as well, including with sex. I found that it was usually caused by what I was used to and expecting. Like when I would masterbate I would focus on finishing off quickly because I didn't want to be disrupted or disturbed when doing it. Also when being in the bathroom for too long people would suspect something lol. However with great practice I can go for a pretty long time now. Most of the time I go with a girl for sometimes an hour of sex with about an hour of prep, meaning massaging and getting her aroused and what not.


There's a way to work it up so that you have multiple dry orgasms, they don't feel like the ejaculatory release most guys will associate orgasms with but they make your body feel very filled with a well-being type feeling. A full body relaxed, tingly and giddy like feeling. The release when it comes to orgasm always feels a step above, but sometimes if you go enough times it feels just as good without it. Since you were only asking for times I go on average at about an hour for masterbating and two hours for sex. Its less if I'm feeling low on energy or just want to blow my load and finish up.


What's hard to do though is being able to have an orgasm where you ejaculate and where your penis still remains hard and I can usually maintain another two or three dry oragasms after that at which its nearly impossible for me to maintain an erection. Where I am able to do this has to do with strong concentration and proper breathing, deep breathing and flexing my PC muscle continuously until my penis will no longer release blood from it so I maintain my erection and am capable of achieving another orgasm or two before it becomes flacid.


Hope this gives you an idea and also some insight into what can be achieved if you were interested.

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Kegel exercises.

You can actually train yourself not to ejaculate so you have dry orgasms (By choice ofcourse, you can still ejaculate).

This means you can have multiple orgasms.


I want to do this. But it's going to take a while, I've been excersizing my PC muscles for about 2-3 months.

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You going to tell us how?


First you need to locate the muscle and isolate it.

It's the same one that you use to hold back the flow of urine.

Start with maybe 50 a day, tensing the muscle and holding for about 5 seconds at a time. The ideal amount is working your way up to around 200 a day.

Do not attempt it while you're urinating, this could cause urinary tract infection.

You need to do it in either a sitting or standing position, so if you go to school/attend muscles you can do it while in them. You can't do it while moving and if you feel your buttocks tensing aswel you need to work on singling out the PC muscle.

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i've been with guys who've come within a couple of minutes and those who kepe going forever (like an hour)... it seems like the ones who suck most in bed last the longest and the most amazing come quickest. Would I rather have a few minutes of amazement or an hour of bleh? A few minutes!!!!

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I'm not as worried about that as I am about making everything as comfortable as I possibly can for my girlfriend.

I'm sure it's not likely for a guy to last that long his first time, but I want to atleast be able to give her something.

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