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tips on staying calm when stressed?

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Hmm I would suggest things like saying to yourself "you can do this, calm down..." or perhaps focusing on "Okay I need to do this job, and it doesn't help to get all exicted, it will just make it difficulter for me to succed"...


breathing techniques such as breating heavy till u can feel you have calmed down and your heart doesn't beat sooo fast...The most important aspect is not to get carried away by the atmosphere so you need to focus on things that makes you calm...

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I'm not sure if I've had a panic attack because i'm not sure what one is exactly. In some situations I will suddenly get very stressed out, my heart starts beating really fast, I stop breathing, my hands shake, & I always get this really tight feeling in my stomach. So any advice on how I can calm myself down when this happens would be great

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At some point in my last year of undergraduate studies I had a breakdown. It was quite funny, really, for anyone watching. Sometimes, in class, I would become frusterated and slam down my pencil and leave the classroom, go to the bathroom and start punching and hitting the stall. Another time I was working in the computer lab and I felt myself losing it.. I got up to go to the washroom but I didn't make it very far.. A couple steps outside the door to the lab, I lost it and threw my chocolate milk against the wall. In front of everyone.. It splashed accross the wall, the ceiling... Those were interesting times. Hopefully you haven't gotten that crazy. But I found that it helped when I would pretend to be somewhere else... Like on a beach in Jamaica. Sometimes I would go home and listen to raggae music while drinking pina coladas with my roomates and we would pretend we were on the beach. It totally worked for me.

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When I get really stressed which is pretty rare for me, I usually try to take a step back and laugh at how ridiculous my being stressed actually is. There are few things in life that are worth stressing over and so many things that are worth laughing over.

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