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So I'm going to meet my girlfriend's dad for the first time...

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This Sunday is when I'm going to go down with my girlfriend to meet her dad. He lives about 3 hours away. My girlfriend currently lives with her aunt and uncle and they both really like me. I met her grandma and she likes me too, even calling me her future husband all the time as a joke. But the thing that matters the most is making a good impression with her dad. She told me he's loud and might make me feel uncomfortable on purpose because he's just like that. I also heard that some of her family might be there too, like her brother and sisters. My girlfriend has had really bad boyfriends in the past, and I'm assuming they will be very protective of her because of it. I'm kind of shy around new people. Any tips on how to make it go great?

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Be respectful and sincere, and don't try to be anyone you're not. Do contribute to the conversation, so he can get a glimpse of your personality, but don't feel like you have to win him over right away. First impressions are important, but you sound like a genuinely good guy, and he will get to know that over time. It sounds like your gf already does, as do some very important people in her family. It's good that she warned you he might be a bit loud...you can expect it, and not be thrown completely off guard. It sounds like she's really excited about integrating you into her life and introducing you to people who are very important to her, which is great. It sounds like he's protective of her, so the important thing will be to show him that you care about his daughter and want the best for her, just like he does.


Best of luck!!

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A great way to make a first impression would be to give him a good handshake, smile, look him in the eye, and introduce yourself. It's understandable that you'll be a little nervous, but just try to relax, be yourself, and interact with your girlfriend's dad the way you would respectfully act around any other adult.


With my girlfriend's dad, things started out cordial (and a little awkward) at first, but once we got to know each other, we started goofing around, talking about sports and poker, and quoting movies. Just be who you are, relax, and don't try to rush anything.

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No need to feel any discomfort - you know he is doing it on purpose rather than it being any faux pas on your part - it's not because you've done something stupid or because he doesn't like you, so just roll with it - stand up to him if he's trying to be intimidating, he'll respect it. (And I don't mean be disrespectful or aggressive or anything, but a firm handshake as gfein said, stand tall and talk with confidence - and I don't mean nerdy arrogant confidence, but friendly confidence)

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