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so if a guy dumps you and you act like you are happy and don't care and go out with someone else or make him think that you are or at least drop hints where he can hear you that there may be another guy, will you be more likely to get him back???


I know this sounds low but I really would love to know if I will ever be back with my ex, even though I know I should sit back and be patient cause if it is meant to be then it will be, however, I was just wondering...

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Hey Ansleynicole,


I understand your points, and although they might work temporarily, you should step back and think about the reasons you would want him to come back. If he comes back out of jealousy as you are suggesting, then he's acting on instinct, and the problem will not be solved. If he comes back out of love, just because he misses you and wants to be with you, then you'll know it's right.


So, my suggestion is to live your life like he's out of the picture. Be stronger than he is, and if you find someone else, go for it! You shouldn't get with someone else just to bring him back, that's not fair to anyone in the long run. If he does come back, maybe you should ask him "why" he came back. Tell him he needs to be honest with you as to why he all of a sudden wants to be with you again, and try to figure out if it's right for you two.


Good luck!


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