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The Other Guy

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I've come upon a bit of a problem in the last year. I have a lot of really good friends who are both female and dating someone else. My problem is that in several of these cases, I have apparently become very enticing...to the point that they start trying to get me to do stuff (kiss, make out, etc.). They have boyfriends! I'm not going to cheat on someone (I don't even know some of the boyfriends)...even if I do really like someone. And in most cases, I always know that when it comes down to it, they won't really break up with their boyfriend. These situations have each ended differently, but almost all of them have put a strain on our friendship, either permanently or for a while. There's even one that I've been questioning if maybe I should have done something, because I like her so much...we're best friends, we always know what the other is thinking, we enjoy doing everything together...but I know that not doing anything was the right thing to do, as she claims she loves her boyfriend very much (to the point of discussing marriage). Anyway, my question is, since this is almost entirely only the case with people who already have relationships, what kind of signals could I be putting out that would might cause these sorts of situations to come up?

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It does not mean your putting out any signals. They enjoy being around you and in the moment they want to fool around. I know this girl i will call her the kissing bandit,,lol when she drinks she likes to make out with anyone and yes she has a boyfriend. I dont understand it but that is how it seems to go.


You could also be seen as a challenge because you dont go along with the kissing etc. Women love a challenge. When i want a woman i just act as if i dont and I always seem to get them.


I agree with you not being a dog and fooling around with these women. Take their advances as a compliment.

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