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My friend creeped some guys out

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My friends and I were hanging out at this bar. This guy I met at the bar invited me to this sorority party. He said that I could bring my friends with me to the party. When I went to the party, my friends looked extremely uncomfortable and timid. They didn't know anyone there so they were to afraid to mingle with the other people in the party.


After I used the restroom, I noticed that a few guys at the party were agitated. One of the college guys got creeped out by one of my friends. He shouted "That guy with the mustache is weird. He looks like he is 50 years old. No one over 26 years of age will be allowed at this party!!! Where is he?!?!" My other friend and I tried to convice the angry guy that the guy with the mustache was not 50 years old. I told him that the guy with the mustache just looked old for his age.


When I took a step outside, I saw my friend with the mustache look sad and depressed. Than it hit me. He looked weird. My friend wore a sweatsuit with the hood up inside the house. Not only that, but he wore a cap inside his hood. His mustache really did make him look older than he really is. The mustache is so out of style. The 1980s are over. Young people don't know who Tom Selleck or Burt Reynolds are. His poor clothing combined with his unconfident, uncomfortable body language creeped some of the guys in the party out.


The moral of this story. Don't be weird!! Looks do matter. If you look like a bum or a serial killer, people will be repulsed by you. Being yourself will not help you if you look strange and bizarre. Why should people respect you if you don't respect yourself enough to dress like a normal person? Dressing extremely poorly can be a major social violation when the other people in the room are well-dressed, high status people. This "being yourself crap" and we are free to be you and me attitude is pure baloney! Being yourself won't work if your appearance and body language is just plan aweful. If you dress poorly, go to a department store and buy nice clothing. Don't be afraid to ask someone you know for fashion advice.

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Dude, those people don't change. I tried to improve one of my friend but it failed miserably until he found out for himself what a weirdo he really is/was. People will always believe what they find to be true. We can't change that on the outside so they have to figure it out themselves. But in the meanwhile, we just gotta accept them for who the are because they are our friend.

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That sounds like a really lame party. Was there not enough beer there? And those douche bags harassing your friend, they sound like they had nothing better to do. If they were having a good time at the party they wouldn't have noticed your friend.


While I agree with dressing nicely. I don't see anything wrong with your friends clothing. He should've taken off his hood and cap, but that's just good manners.

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i would never refer to a friend as weird, no matter what she looks like.


I love my friends like sisters. We have been friends since we were 11. in school with her bright ginger hair and baces and large NHS glasses she didnt help matters by becoming a hippy and wearing tie dye skirts and large hob nail boots..


but I still defended her to anyone and hung with her, because I had no right to expect her to change, or for anyone else to insult her because of that. She was shy and the way she dressed was her way of expressing herself. She liked what she wore and so I never once tried to change her.


If this was your girlfriend you were talking about, everyone would jump down your throat for not loving her for who she is.


This person isnt your friend, or rather you are no friend of theirs, if you listened to and took on board the opinions of a load of idiots you had only just met!

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While i believe in dressing appropriately for the occasion - black tie affair, work, dinner with someone's parents you're meeting for the first time, a sorority party is not one of them. Indeed, how can those people, tacky enough to insult your friend be considered "high status" - sounds pretty darn low to me.


did you consider perhaps that your friend doesn't care about fitting in with the types of people you hang out with? and, if he is deliberately dressing "weird" to stand out in a negative way, he knows that and it's up to him if he chooses to change.

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