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Do you ever get back after the breakup. ?

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I was wondering. If two ppl really loved each other for too long and the feelings for one of them start to dim and he/she break off with u for whtever reason. Do they come back to you. Do they realise how their life was when they were with you. And even when they get back together after the breakup. Do you think things work out better than before. I know it wudnt if both the parties do not acknowledge their mistakes and change them with self realisation.any comments pple.

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well sometimes once you have been with someone for a long time things can become routine, a break is often a good step for most because even if you love each other it can all get too much and if you stay together you could end up damaging the good feelings you have had.

if they love you...they will come back to you -'absense makes the heart grow fonder' he or she will realize what they had and if they want it again they will come back and then this becomes like the beginning again exciting and spontaneous because you have been apart you then need to get to know eachother again- sorta like your first date...and then the romance and feelings grow again- often stronger than before.

i hope this has helped you x

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Do they come back to you.


There are many reasons people break up

There are many reasons people stay broken up

There are many reasons people get back together

There are many reasons people who get back together don't work out


Anything is possible, but there really is no way to predict whether someone will "come back", and the most likely scenario is they don't. Even if someone does miss their ex, even if they love them, there still may be many things about the relationship (or other things such as who they became in the relationship) that means it won't be something they consider.


When someone leaves, you wave goodbye, and prepare to live on your own. It's a fool's errand to hang around preparing or considering their return.

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i was with my ex for over two years, and we broke up i was devesated, it was him what left me, no one else was involved. i was sucidal and tried to commit sucide, i spent days crying not knowing if we would get back together eventally we stopped speaking, i started to sort myself out and i changed a lot for the better, i started dating, and moved on, then i had to get in touch with my ex has he had quiet a lot of stuff at my house still and i need him to move it, it had been 7 months since we had split and didn't see each other for 5 months, when we spoke we relaised that we still loved each other and we met up, we got back together and where suppose to take things slowly things had improved to a point, but then i started to have doubt about wether i wanted to be with him or not.


So caused arguments told him i wanted to end it,then diddn't know what i wanted. we stayed together for two months then it finally reached an end on new years day three years and a day since we had got together. We had a horrible argument and he finished it, for a week i feel really devesated then the pain started to ease. Ive realised that we should never have got back together after not talking for so long, maybe if we had kept in some kind of contact it could have worked, but my feelings wern't the same anymore. I think that sometimes it can work but very rarely and not after a long period apart.

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It may hav ben silly to post up such a question only to realize in the end. that ppl who often visit this site are the heart broken ones as myself. I know not many ppl which are out there together in love often come and visit this site. This made me think that we wudnt get any success story here tonight.

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They might...but generally, breakups happen for a good reason, and reconciliations arn't very common.


I suppose there is always that category of person, myself included, that make relationship decisions etc on a kind of whim, and THEN regret it, in the cold light of day seeing what they ought to have done. So then, perhaps, they realise what a mistake theyve made.


Generally - dont get your hopes up. If you loved each other AND were compatible, you wouldn't be apart.

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