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I have like 1 friend.

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God has been kind,

At 20.7 years old I bought me a town house (2 br and 1.5br).

At 21.8 years old I bought me a brand new 2007 Honda (ultra low emission, i worry about Earth).

I really don’t want to buy a friend…at 22.

Seems like God skipped that part.


to me .this is all you need now.. financial stability.. a major headache in this life and you have that covered.. be happy .. I MEAN BE HAPPY BIG TIME.

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Try volunteering somewhere that is a regular thing, like once a week. And choose something that will have people your age. That way you can slowly make friends with the other people there.

Or while your waiting to go back to school find a job where young people work. Bars are fun and have lots of young staff and customers to talk to.

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Haha I lied, I don’t have any at all! Ugh my life is the suck!


Hey, I resent that. You're hurting my feelings. I'm your friend. I'll bet your other friends resent that too. Why do you hurt us?


I know you must have some friends at E. There's many women here who like you. Aren't you friends with them yet? If not, why not?


Where's your can do attitude? If you don't have enough friends, then make some more. That should be easy for an entertaining, funny cool guy like you.


Also, others gave good advice in this thread. So use it.

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I'm a bit low on offline friends, but I have some great online friends


You just need to go somewhere regularly with people who share your interests. Maybe try signing up for some activity classes? That way, even if you don't make friends, you have some fun and get fit or learn to cook or do some art or...

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Between this thread and your other thread I won't name here, I could list for you women who'd like to be your friend, and probably a few men too. Open your eyes and read the signs.


Every where there's signs, signs, everywhere signs... Sing it... Read them... Act on them... Send them a PM...


I can see who wants to be your friend just from their posts. So why can't you see it? Cause you aren't paying attention I guess. Suck it up, find your can do attitude and figure out who those people are and PM them. This thread and your famous-infamous thread clearly show who likes you. Having friends requires some effort. Get to work buddy.


Same with your local area and making and maintaining friends. Get out there, be around people, be outgoing, and read the signs. Then act on them.

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Ok. Here's an idea!

I worked in the restaurant industry for a huge portion of my adult life. Let me tell ya, if you become a regular at a local coffee house or restaurant the people who work there will begin to take an interest in you... you start to become part of the gang because they see you a lot. I DONT suggest becoming a regular in a bar though... that could be bad. Haha!


But honestly, if you see people on a regular basis you will find that you start to bond with them. Join a club doing something you think is fun! Maybe a hybrid car club? Maybe a club focused on the environment? Plus, most of those people will probably have the volunteering thing in common with you and you can vent together

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Ok. Here's an idea!

I worked in the restaurant industry for a huge portion of my adult life. Let me tell ya, if you become a regular at a local coffee house or restaurant the people who work there will begin to take an interest in you... you start to become part of the gang because they see you a lot. I DONT suggest becoming a regular in a bar though... that could be bad. Haha!


But honestly, if you see people on a regular basis you will find that you start to bond with them. Join a club doing something you think is fun! Maybe a hybrid car club? Maybe a club focused on the environment? Plus, most of those people will probably have the volunteering thing in common with you and you can vent together


Your post just inspired me...

puff...why don't you try bartending? I bet you could meet lots of people through there.

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Ok. Here's an idea!

I worked in the restaurant industry for a huge portion of my adult life. Let me tell ya, if you become a regular at a local coffee house or restaurant the people who work there will begin to take an interest in you... you start to become part of the gang because they see you a lot. I DONT suggest becoming a regular in a bar though... that could be bad. Haha!


But honestly, if you see people on a regular basis you will find that you start to bond with them. Join a club doing something you think is fun! Maybe a hybrid car club? Maybe a club focused on the environment? Plus, most of those people will probably have the volunteering thing in common with you and you can vent together


Yep. I agree. Work does that for me. Friends and babes galore, and in many cases a friend and babe in one.


That Forever 21 place would have been perfect for a paycheck and being around young people. Many other jobs are great for this too. College is not so good because the people change every quarter or semester, which causes a "people are temps and disposable" attitude among the college crowd, in my opinion. I even notice that attitude being common among post grad students. They often act like others are temperary and disposable. However, in a permanent job with permanently same crowd, people treat each other with more permanence and thereforeeee more respect and a closer relationship develops over time, or shear hatred develops over time since you are stuck together long term.

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Sorry, another thing...if you talk to people in real life like you do here on the forum then I think you are lying and have lots of friends. You must be communicating differently outside the forums.


Or maybe he's isolated. You can't make friends if no one else is around, no matter how charming you are.

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Is there anything you're interested in doing that you haven't tried before?

I can't think of any other examples right now but maybe martial arts? I started going to this club recently and it's amazing! Not only do you get an intensely satisfying physical workout but it's revitalizing for your spirit and mind so you feel great afterwards.

You sound like a fairly disciplined guy from what you were saying before so hopefully you shouldn't have a problem fitting a few hours group exercise a week into your schedule. And like these other posters are saying, once you've been a couple of times you'll become better known. I've only been going a month and I'm hooked. Also everyone knows me since I'm a regular now and I have actually made a couple of friends. Unlike me though, you'd really look the part! just kidding. no offence.

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