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Why Do Men Lie

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I Just Finished A Relationship Of 4 Years. My Boyfriend Kept Lying To Me About Seing His Ex. I Didnt Know About Her Until I Move To Syracuse From The Bronx. She Had A Baby By Him. He Kept Lying To Me About Talking N Seing Her. I Know That He Need To See The Baby But Why Lie About Going Over Thats What I Dont Understand. Now We Are Not Together I Got Tiered Of The Lies And Told Him To Leave. But Now I Wish That He Would Be Here With Me. He Has Not Explain His Self To Me All He Can Say Is "i Dont Know Why I Didnt Tell At First When You Were Moving With Me To Syracuse" He Move First To Syracuse Then I Did.

Why Gyus Love To Lie Like If The Truth Will Not Come Out Soner Or Later

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We don't all lie. I can hear that you are hurt and I understand.


I had my ex lie to me recently, about us and we are not even together.


What has happened to you is sad, but may not have an explanation, per se. Sure, that is what we want, what I want, because then we can understand it and maybe control it. But, it is what it is and a good thing you found out.


Try not to think about the reasons too much, because it will only make you hurt more. Trust me.

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I am very sorry you've been through this.


The lying is not exclusive to men.


I think maybe 10 to 20% of guys do this inseminating the world stuff and enough women get involved in it that it really screws up a whole lot for a whole lot of people. In the dating forum today some guy who wants to date around felt like he had been "had". A woman he dated told him she used birth control -- yet later she got upset that he was not a committed type as he had previously told her and then didn't use her birth control pills for two weeks - moreover she did this while this guy who professed to wanting to see other people (i.e. sleep around) did not use protection. He's mad about her lying while he's sleeping around and not using protection with her and possibly others.


Some humans are a real mess, I say. We can't be too careful.


In my case I dated a woman with a child for 4 months before meeting the child. This was my choice because I did not want the kid to be witting of a potential father figure until the mother and I were more certain of our future together. (This thinking came "naturally' to me as a child advocate in the family court system) And 14 months after a very deep and loving bonding process among all three of us -- a friend of a friend told me that her friend's brother, a model in NYC, was my partners' ex and had never stopped sleeping with her since they broke up nearly two years previously.


I confronted my girlfriend (near fiance) with his name and she spilled the beans. Apparently he had decided a couple years earlier that he wanted to date other people, and she didn't want to lose him so she agreed.


He knew about me but I didn't know about him.


I won't tell you how many years it took me to regain trust in women because I want it to take you less time to regain trust in men.


Dishonesty is dishonesty. What is important is that you and I learn how to recognize the red flags and make decisions and choices in our own best interest. And we still may get burned.


It is hard to see the forest through the trees right now, but you will. On the other side you will be a different person drawn to and attracting different people.


I am very sorry for your pain. This is not you it is he -and his ex.


Shame on him and this other woman if she knew what was being done to you.


Stay busy, meet new people, love yourself, look-up old friends, rent your favorite comedies, exercise, eat well.


Living well is the best revenge.

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