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Okay, what's the deal here?


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This is kind of weird so, try and follow me on this one. I used to go to a different church like last year, and I moved to this new one, that my friend attends, because he said that a lot of kids near our age go there. The one I went to lacked people from 16 to 20s that I could talk to so I decided to move to his.


He also warned me that even thought there were kids, they were a bit clichey, I did not pay much heed to the warning.


When I got there (with my little sister, we are the only ones in our family who go) the first day. Things seemed okay. When we left I noticed that some girl was looking at me as I left, payed no heed. As time past my sister had seen her act strangely nearby me. I could see obviously she liked me, but I was NOT interested in picking up dates. I did want to be her friend so I tried all sorts of things to befirend her, and it turned out that she was kind of not really interesting to talk to. Only talking about superficial things and not really into my kind of humor. I decided to drop it.


My friend told me that she use to be a fun girl to talk to, but all of a sudden she changed and started being like arrogant and what not. I asked him what the problem was from. He did not really know. He said she use to be made fun of and she cried and was quiet liked video games and stuff. From what I saw, I thought my firend was lying, or she must have went through a HUGE 180 change.


I spent months trying to figure out what in the world made the change. I noticed she hung out with this (not much older) ealry-mid 20s couple. The wife was nice, (not horribly arrogant), but the guy, ugh... As rude as you can get from a guy who is suppose to be Christian. One day I wet to a party wearing a Mega Man shirt and he mocked me. The girl in question hung out with him more than his wife. SO I suspected it was him. Any way, I just let her act a fool as I just worried about myself for about a year until...


Just this week, me and my friend witnessed something never seen before. After a weekly Bible study, she started talking to us. She has before, but you could tell she was being fake... This time was different... She was EAGER to talk to us. I was like Huh? I told her some stories and made comments that made her laugh till her face turned red... She seemed to like my comments so much she repeated them. She use to never even pay attention much when I tried speaking with her. She even liked and added on to these pranks I told her about that I had thought of in like 8th grade (I'm in college now). I was almost certain she would label it immature... She seemed like she was an old friend I never knew, and the old firend my firend once knew.


The next day my friend said that not even the guy she hung out with (the immature 20 year oldish guy), made her laugh like this. Which is who she usually hangs out with. But he and his wife had been missing from the study for over 2-3 weeks, and the girl usually just went somewhere by herself (refusing to speak to us). My friend knows my kind of funny/crazy side and he says that it's the key to bringing her back to her old/true? self, but I'm not too sure, why did she want to really talk to us now? Why not like a year ago? I have no idea what I should do... What is her deal? Should I really talk to her more and help my friend get his old friend back?

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Woman who laugh even over your horrible jokes, can mean only one thing... She is in love with you.


Remember Jesus warned about wolves in sheep clothes, in those terms calling yourself a Christian means nothing,, only the love and help that you display towards others counts. So even tho many people call themselves Christians, a lot of it is show and not displayed in their actions, anyway


This girl seems to be traumatized in her youth and closed herself, but seeing how interested she is, she is trying to open up , and if you dont like her then you have to reject her in a way that is firm but without incassating emotional damage, or the least amount of emotional damage.


If you do like her, say that you like her and ask if she wants to come to your place and play video games. Or talk about video games ,and don't be ashamed of your megaman t-shirt, as long as you can withstand the critics its definitly ok to wear =)

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well go with your gut. if you think she's interesting continue talking, make her laugh, ask her out or whatever. if you don't really care one way or the other about her don't bother. seems to me like you do care, so i'd say, keep talking, you'll bring her old (better) self back and you might find a girlfriend!

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