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Guy's who can dance


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That depends on what you are actually trying to accomplish. Don't expect to find a fulfilling romantic relationship from a girl you met on a dance floor. Real relationships take lots of attention, effort, and time to nourish.


But if you all you want is a lot of attention from girls, then I guess the answer is yes. You don't have to be an outstanding dancer, just a reasonably good one. For me, my salsa skills are limited, so i only dance with girls who have never done salsa before...and because this is thier first time, they are so excited and think i am the most wonderful person in the world, even though my dancing sucks compared to most other salsa guys. LOL. But what happens on the dance floor should stay on the dance floor...don't expect anything more than that....


What do people think? Do guys who can dance have it easier with the girls?
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That depends on what you are actually trying to accomplish. Don't expect to find a fulfilling romantic relationship from a girl you met on a dance floor. Real relationships take lots of attention, effort, and time to nourish.



Actually that depends on the place you go to: Don’t expect to find a nice girl at a standard club dance floor. (they’ll likely be drunk, and not really my type), but the salsa dances are HOT, fit, flexible etc and they have a real personality, values, easy to talk to etc. someone that is good relationship potential.


Actually I met my current SO (which seems to have some potential) on the salsa dance floor, I’d been dancing with everyone all night, and apparently she’d been watching me all night. And she came to me and asked me for a dance (girls will even ask you to dance if they see you can). It wasn’t till after that we started chatting and couldn’t stop chatting, and it only got better once I got to know her marvelous personality.


I think this doesn’t just apply to salsa dancing, it’s good to get involved in hobbies that the type of girl you are interested in participates in. get active in life and you’ll make a lot more friends, be a lot fitter, and be in the places where you’ll have more possibilities to meet a partner that is also interested in that style of activity.


and because this is thier first time, they are so excited and think i am the most wonderful person in the world, even though my dancing sucks compared to most other salsa guys.


This is so true! And after the dance you’ve totally broken the ice, made some communication, and had a few good laughs together from some silly moves that didn’t work out. Once the connection is there it’s much easier to sit down at the table and have a good conversation with them.

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i don't know if someone has said this already, but i think guys who know how to dance have it easier with girls meaning they are more confident in themselves, so it is easier to talk and have casual conversations with girls. this is just an observation i have made, though. but feel free to agree with me

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I still don't believe that a dance place is a place where you find a girl who is actually good for you. Girls there are just to play with. If you want a real relationship, you will have to search far and wide to find a girl who is right for you, and invest a lot of time and effort into the relationship to make it flourish.

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I still don't believe that a dance place is a place where you find a girl who is actually good for you. Girls there are just to play with. If you want a real relationship, you will have to search far and wide to find a girl who is right for you, and invest a lot of time and effort into the relationship to make it flourish.


what type of dance place are you talking about? the words "dance place" could mean a lot of things.


as i said the techno clubs around town have quite different types of people than the type of people you meet in a salsa class/salsa party etc.


if a place is purely a pickup joint and nothing more then you'll probably only find pickup girls. while if it has some more class and people are going there because they simply enjoy dancing then you're going to find people that are going to be into dancing.


don't just go to a place because there are lots of girls.


firstly work out what type of girl are you looking for? what is her personality like? what hobbies is your dream girl most likely going to enjoy? are you also interested in any of these hobbies? is there a local club etc? then just being friendly with everyone you meet you'll build confidence and eventually meet someone you are interested in.


you could meet them anywhere, you're just improving your chances by being in places that they would likelly enjoy being, and by being open and friendly to everyone.

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The OP wanted to know if being able to dance improves one's chances of being successful with women. It seems the answer is no, because dancing won't make you more likely to find the right woman, nor will it improve your chances of getting together with one.


Sure you could find a good person at a dance place as much as you could meet a good person anywhere, but being able to dance has almost nothing to do with meeting that type of person.

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The OP wanted to know if being able to dance improves one's chances of being successful with women. It seems the answer is no, because dancing won't make you more likely to find the right woman, nor will it improve your chances of getting together with one.


Sure you could find a good person at a dance place as much as you could meet a good person anywhere, but being able to dance has almost nothing to do with meeting that type of person.



The OP wanted to know if being able to dance improves one's chances of being successful with women. It seems the answer is no, because dancing won't make you more likely to find the right woman, nor will it improve your chances of getting together with one.


Sure you could find a good person at a dance place as much as you could meet a good person anywhere, but being able to dance has almost nothing to do with meeting that type of person.






The OP wanted to know if being able to dance improves one's chances of being successful with women. It seems the answer is no

My experiences would beg to differ. As I’ve met what I think is the right SO at a salsa dance night.


It seems the answer is no, because dancing won't make you more likely to find the right woman

Dancing will give you more opportunities to meet more woman, the same as taking up any other hobby. Being a good dancer will mean that you’ll meet a lot more people. Some being good and some being not so good match.


nor will it improve your chances of getting together with one.

Did you read the thread?? Most of the people here posted that a guy that could dance increased his attractiveness in some way, gave him brownie points for trying, broke the ice, caused some sort of positive response. I won’t bother quoting them all in this post, but you can look at the posts from reluctant rebuilder, Dako, Need2bme, rockin n rollin, equinox, boughs, charley, aurian, syrix, mandoro, barbarella, ghost69, cara223, latestcraze.


i.e. nearly all the posts in this thread have either directly said or implied that dancing improves a guys chances with a woman.


Naturally you need a compleate act for “getting together with one”, so after getting attention with dancing you should be able to follow it up with some intelegent conversation.


Sure you could find a good person at a dance place as much as you could meet a good person anywhere, but being able to dance has almost nothing to do with meeting that type of person.


There are good and bad people everywhere you go. Nice woman go dancing because they enjoy it, stuffed up people go to the grocery store because they have to eat. there is no black and white line separating where people go.


thereforeeee each person you meet anywhere in life could potentially be “right” for you, or they could be “not right” for you. The only way you’ll ever find out is by meeting them.


You can’t make an assumption that “Mrs right” will NEVER be in the dance place.


And as nearly all the posts in this thread have said, being able to dance helps meeting more people and giving a good positive first impression, hence improving your chances.


think of it as in statistics, if you sit at home on your couch, or just socialize with a limited group of friends then you’ll rarely meet new people, so how is the right person going to be able to get into your life? Knock on your door while you’re watching TV and say here I am?


Getting active dancing or doing any other hobbies that involve meeting lots and lots of people will statistically work in your advantage, next thing you’re meeting 20 new interesting people every night (and giving them a good first impression). Hence even if 1% of these people might be appropriate for you, then you’ll come accross them much faster than not being active meeting people.

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