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Help! What is going on?


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I have only dated this guy for three times. He seems is very into me. And he never tried anything hard to get physically close to me… But I was not so interested and so rescheduled few dates and delayed replying his texts or emails most of the time…


no reply since then! (3 days) Is he playing mind games or just simply gave up? Will he contact me when he is back? Should I contact him if he does not? Should I give him stronger signals?


Sorry for the long text and thanks for any opinions!

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Thanks Batya33. I did reject his invite but only when he suddenly asked me out before the date that we arranged earlier and told him that I was busy... I am not very convienced that he wants me to be his girlfriend even on the first date! I want to take it slow, but his last minute cancellation and ignorance do put me off and leave me confused....

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It seems you like to play games...


He told you he liked you, he would contact you and you have said you ignore him on purpose...


After a few times of this any man would decide you are just not worth it and look for someone who has interest in him...


It would seem you now have to prove yourself to him as he has tried to prove himself to you and you REJECTED him, more than once...


Playing games will get you no where...



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