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Meeting new people after breakup!...Help Please!


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I am recovering from a very hard and unhealthy breakup with the girl of my dreams. I did all I could to save it but she wasnt having any of it. I have begun to move on, but still feel that void in my life. I am not saying that I want a rebound relationship at all because thats not fair to the other person but I do want to start meeting other girls and possibly dating casually for awhile. But I have no idea how to do this.


Me and my ex were introduced in high school by mutual friends. I didnt really have to do anything, but we hit it off and ended up dating for 5 years. Throughout college I really didnt have the need to meet other girls becuase I loved my girlfriend. So now i am single again, what can i do to meet attractive, fun, intriguing girls?


I have tried the bar thing and although I can go and dance with girls i just feel it is the wrong venue to meet someone you want to date. I also find it very hard to initiate contact.


I know there are women everywhere I got, but say I'm sitting in a coffee shop and see a very attractive girl. How do I go about asking her on a date?

To me it just seems creepy for a guy to walk up to a complete stranger and ask them out. I dont and never had many friends that are girls, and the ones I do I would never date because they are too good of friends.


So I guess some advice on how to meet and get girls to date would be nice. I am not an overly shy guy. I am a very genuine person who cares a lot about others, but I just freak out when i have to initiate communication with a good looking girl. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks a ton

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No, i don't think you processed your previous relationship yet. Are you honestly ready to move on? Its something i definitly encourage you to do so. But not before you gave yourself time to heal and glued back the broken pieces of your heart.


In the future you shouldn't go into a relationship expecting things will work out just because it concerns your case. Reality is that a girl can pick up her bags and leave any day.


You just have to put your daring shoes on and go for it, its not creepy, it shows confidence, whats important now is that you don't be your own worst enemy by stopping yourself. Go for gold in your life, and just talk to girls you meet.

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Thanks robowarrior! Like I said, maybe going on a few dates (no Comittment) would make me heal a lot faster. I have made great strides over the last couple months, and would really like to meet some other women just to see. I will be very careful to protect both of our hearts, but who knows what will happen? Any ideas of what to say to women I meet without coming off as weird or desperate? Conversation starters things like that.

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Well #1 I've met my last few gf's at clubs and they were all upstanding individuals, career oriented women that you caould meet in a bookstore. What's the difference if I met them at Starbucks or La Boom nightclub?


So as to your other question, it would certainly be weird (and not very successful) for you to be in a coffee shop, walk over to a girl, and say "Hi, my name is krnelson2. Would you like to go out to dinner tomorrow night?" Your success rate will be somewhere around 1/1000 if you are reasonably good looking.


If you wanna up your odds, you're gonna have to use a conversation starter, flirt with her properly, then decide if you want to get her phone number or set up a date for the future, or right then and there basically hang out with her for a bit and see where things go.


if you have some money, I highly recommend anything from link removed or link removed


But if you are strapped for cash, the free sites are at link removed

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