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I dunno, Ex's are just bad news (vent)

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I seem to have a problem with ex's of girls that I date or are in a relationship with. My recent break up was because she was still in love with her ex. Ex's can be the danger zone when one is in a relationship because both parties can still have feelings for each other and can go back out with each other. Personally, I don't like my ex's for my own personal reasons I mean they ARE ex's for a reason. There is only one ex who I am kind of friends with, partly because I've known her for 9 years...but I still don't like how she treated me back then. Also, If I'm in a relationship it's usually the ex's who have either threatened me or bothered me at some point.


How do you all of you feel about ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends?

Are you still friends with them?

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i usually keep my ex af far away as possible, they are ex for reason, but with one i'm still friend. that means, when we meet we s hi, rarely we go out for a drink, but mostly we talk on a phone when is his birthday, or something really important happened, but it's only because we lived together 2 yrs. but i wil never go back to any of them. but often between exes there are still some feelings usually only from one side.

they were a part of our life once and sometimes it takes time to say goodbye

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Luckily (?) I've been able to remain friends w/ most of my exes ... it took a while for me to be in a "friend" state of mind w/ my most recent ex but I think we're on a good path to being friends again. I think this has a lot to do w/ the fact that I was always friends w/ my exes prior to us going out and we never broke up bc of reasons like cheating or abuse ...


It does take a bit of work, though, esp. in the beginning, to get over the initial awkwardness ...

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I am friends with most of my ex's.


You see, I created true friendships with them before the relationship started or during the relationship. I make a choice to accept them for who they are and will continue to consider them a friend even if who they are does not accommodate my wants or needs.

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How do you all of you feel about ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends?

Are you still friends with them?


I don't feel anything about them except they were a part of my past. Once the relationships had ended, my contact with them ended.


I didn't date women who were friends or talked with their ex's, or date women that hung out with guy friends on a regular basis after having very bad things happen when dating women who were friends with ex's or had a lot of male friends when I was younger.

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