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Hello People My Name is shaun and i just created an account im only 13 years old and i need help-My Real brother Breaks my nose and Bends my toes making me in pain i try to go to my mums boy friends house but his son has drug problems and beats me up and brings all his drug friends to My mums boyfriends house i lock myself therw a door where they cant see me in the office where he is not allowed and i wait there for 9-15 hrs doing nothing just sitting there i have no friends well i do but i cant go out my mum is alway busy and i got to go to places she works i come to my mums boy friends my best friend is selby my chihuahua she comes with me into my room when my step brother is home so far i have been in hospital 3 times and been asleep for 1 hospital time getting a operation on my face i walk around city and everyone looks at me coz of mu face and bruses i tried killing my self when i was 9 but it did not work and im afraid of death coz it will hurt i dont know anymore life is to hard should i kill myself because i dont want to live with other people ? or should i put up with for rest of my life :sad: thx for the site.

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Hi Shaun,


Where do you live? I can give you numbers to call if you like (free and confidential), and they'll be able to give you more advice about what you should do right now. I'm at work in about half an hour, but I'll check back at lunchtime.


I know it's really hard for you, but do you think you could talk to an adult you trust? a teacher, a friend, a social worker, a policeman, a doctor?


Because you know what, Shaun? I think that you're not being looked after properly by your family, and that really sucks. One of the important things to remember is that no-one deserves to be abused. Another thing to remember is that abuse can be stopped, and we can tell you some of the ways how it can be stopped.


Abuse creates all sorts of emotions including feeling frightened, alone, confused, angry, unloved, guilty, ashamed or unimportant. Abuse can be very confusing if the person hurting you is someone you look up to. Also you might feel as though you need the attention given to you by the person abusing you.


If something is worrying you or making you scared and you're not sure if it is abuse, it's important to talk to someone you trust.


If you're in the United Kingdom, you can call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 (24 hour, free helpline). Childline's number is 0800 1111.

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i Live in australia perth but i dont want to move familys because my mum and i are ok but its my brother he has problems my real dad left me when i was 9 to thailand and now its just mum brother me and step-dad-stepbrother i dont want to move familys i just want my brother's to disappear i dont want a new family because i love my mum and i never forgive myself the truth is if it was for selby or my mum i would leave but there here so i need them

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Hi Shaun,


Just had a quick scan online. You should ring Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 first. There's also Child Care Access Hotline 1800 670 305.


This is the advice given on a website for young people in your area in your situation, so I'm just going to copy and paste it Shaun:


Support for children and young people

If you are currently experiencing abuse or neglect, either at home or from others you know, or if you have recently experienced abuse or are afraid of someone, it is important for you to talk to someone who can support and help you.


It might be frightening, but it is important that the abuse does stop.


Many children and young people who have been abused describe feeling embarrassed, guilty, ashamed and frightened. They worry that they will get into trouble for talking about what is happening. They worry that they will be blamed. All of these feelings and worries may make it hard to talk about what is happening to you.


It is very important for you to know that the abuse is not your fault. There are people around you who will understand and can help.


It is important for you to talk to someone who can support and help you. You need to find someone who will believe you and help you to decide what you need to do. You may have tried to tell someone and not have been believed or helped. If you keep trying, you will find someone who will believe you and help you to decide what you would like to do about it.


You have a right to safety and protection and to have the abuse stopped.


You can try talking to someone in your local area

You can ring Kids HelpLine – Ring 1800 55 1800 Free Call

You can ring Child Protection Services in your state – Follow this link to find out important phone numbers for you to ring depending on where you live.


In your local area

If you would like to talk to someone you know already or can access locally, it is important to talk to someone you feel comfortable with and trust.


Some suggestions are:


Your Mum or Dad

A trusted relative

Your best friend’s Mum or Dad

Other adults you trust

The Student Welfare Co-ordinator at your school

Your school nurse

Your school psychologist

Your favourite teacher

Your family doctor

A psychologist or counsellor you know

A local Centre Against Sexual Assault

A local Police officer

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Sorry I've not got more time just now, I'll log back on in a few hours in my lunch hour, and will post a longer reply!


I know this seems horrible and difficult, but you're being really brave talking about it here. There are people who can help you sort it all out, and we are all here to listen to you.


Back in a few hours!

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Hiya Shaun,


Promised I would come back at lunchtime, didn't I?


I think what you should do is to call Child Care Access Hotline 1800 670 305. They are based in Australia, and that's a free number and you can call them in confidence. Do you think you can do that? Just tell them exactly what you've said here.


If you can't get a bit of time to yourself in the house to make a phonecall, you can always ring them up free from a call box. They will be much better able to tell you what to do next than I can - and they will listen to what you have to say without judging or over-reacting. PLEASE phone them for me, eh? Otherwise I'll have to worry about what's happening with you all weekend, and a worried HoneyPumpkin is not a happy HoneyPumpkin!!


Your dog sounds lovely - Selby is a great name for a dog!


Post back here, let us know how things are going - there is always someone here who is going to be able to help you, Shaun.


Take care ((((hugs))))

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