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2006 was a fairly difficult year for me. It was my first year out of high school and I was taking it easy, with a 3 month long trip to Australia from Feb-June.


During my trip my Nan, on my mom's side, was getting sicker. While I was down there she passed away on my birthday. It was incredibly difficult to be that far away from all of my family at such a time and I couldnt afford to change my ticket to fly home for the funeral.


After returning from Australia in the summer I learned that my Pop, on my dad's side was diagnosed with cancer. I flew home (he lives on the other side of the country) to be with him for sometime, while I still could. During my time home I went to my Nan's grave and house to try and gain some closeure with her death which was really hard aswell since she was the first loved one I have lost and now I was facing the loss of another one.


2 weeks after I got home we got news that my dad's cousin, who was like an uncle to me was also diagnosed with cancer and it had already spread to untreatble area.


My Pop passed away in November, so I flew home again for his funeral and to spend sometime with the rest of the family. Then just less than 2 weeks before Christmas my cousin passed away.


I felt that 2006 was not my year and I dealt with that, I didnt celebrate the passing of the year on New Years, but I made a resolution I guess to look at 2007 in an optimistic light. I hoped this year would be better, it couldnt be much worse than last year.


Last Saturday night I was heading out for a night on the town with 2 of my friends (none of us had had anything to drink). A car came ripping around the corner going between 80kms to 100kms in a 50km zone. The car lost control and hit the car I was in head on, totalling both cars. The drive of the other car was so incredibly intoxicated that she couldnt speak to the police properly. It was the scariest night of my life...like I'm dealing with the fact that I could have died quite easily that night, or either of my friends.


I guess I just needed somewhere to vent...I hope 2007 just came in with a big bang now its going to calm down!

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